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Value And Direction Of Individual Subjectivity

Posted on:2017-01-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2295330488452444Subject:Chinese philosophy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In Chinese traditional philosophy, the problem of subjectivity has not only been for a long time, but also been paid much attention. From Confucius’s’benevolence by oneself and Mencius’s’center of four virtues’to Wang Yangming’s’conscience’, subjective spirit constructs a unique value world of people. Subjectivity is about people, and after all, subjectivity is human’s subjectivity, people’s development will be meaningless if without subjectivity, also difficult to have a future.Throughout the ages, every age has persons suggest real life style by their own life to the people, and show people unique dignity and value by their wisdom, spirit and moral strength’[1], Wang Yangming was the leader. He was the master of mind theory, he established the morality, the merit, put forward the speech with high perspicacity, and found’conscience’of beyond the time and space.’Conscience’ exists in each individual soul and is the foundation of individual achieving value. Based on everyone’s conscience, Wang Yangming opened the channel of human development and deepening. Leading by positive self-sense of’conscience’, by ’conscience’to improve self and develop morality to achieve the inevitability of individual inner needs. Conscience is the conscience of people, so, the discussion on conscience is about subject, conscience will be shown only makes people as the objective, and the extension of conscience should pay more attention to subject, without independent, self-conscious and positive subjectivity, conscience will be weak. Subject’s independence and self-consciousness are not only in his’mind’, but also in his behavior, the work process produced by action is the concentrated expression of subject spirit. In a word, Wang Yangming’s’conscience’thought highlights people’s subjective position, and shows us a self-existent world to achieve self-value. Therefore,’conscience’of paying attention to practice is not only the knowledge of subject, but also the knowledge of life.The study on Wang Yangming’s’conscience’has been a hot topic in the academic field, and the results can be described as an immense number of books. These results not only include internal summary and description of conscience, but also include the exploration on value and significance of conscience. Though the number of study cannot radically determine the final value of a theory, but can from a certain level to reflect that ’conscience’ really has the contents to touch the heart of people, because it thinks about people and affirms the people starting from people themselves, every individual constitutes big environment of society.On the basis of academic research, this paper still works to think the problem of ’people’, combines with self-understanding and makes subjectivity as the main line through the whole paper, it includes seven parts to explore and describe Wang Yangming’s ’conscience’. The first part is introduction, it reveals significance of topic selection, study status and Wang Yangming’s journey to find ’Conscience’ The second part analyzes the existence source of inherent conscience from knowledge, emotion and life’s development and growth process, as well as social history culture shaping, in addition, based on this to further discuss the relationship between conscience and self. The third part describes the proposal of conscience and the affirmation of "subjectivity is principle of abstraction’ to people’s subjectivity value. The fourth part explores that according to Wang Yangming’ s ’conscience’, how the individual should combine knowledge with behavior to achieve unity between knowledge and behavior, and through the publicity of subject spirit to realize self-transformation and improvement. The conscience of subject means to get rid of obstacles of hindering the expansion of self-conscience and the obstacle mainly includes the ’evil’ to hinder individual’s conscience. ’Evil’ is not only from the individual’s private, desire’s expansion and light’s drowning, but also from improper self-cognition, etc, emotional and psychological factors. The process of subject conscience is to find true self and fight with ’self-evil’, so, why is difficult to remove ’evil’? Why get rid of it? Whether the individual can achieve a kind of spiritual freedom through getting conscience and constantly getting rid of self-evil? In the context of conscience, what is the meaning of individual freedom? All of these questions will be given specific explanation in this chapter. The fifth part centrally discusses ’the saint depends on me rather than others’ and the possibility of’become saint’and individual personality diversification. The subject spirit advocated by Wang Yangming reaches a peak in the problem of everyone can become saint. Self-conscience is value standard to rule yes or no, it breaks the monopoly of external authority and hands over the decision right of matters to mind’s’conscience’, fundamentally it is full affirmation and recognition to individual value. The sixth part analyzes that, led by mind’s conscience, the expansion of individual subjectivity did not fall into extreme human centrism, but returned to ’rational consciousness’, in addition, explores the reason of forming the trend. The seventh part is the ultimate purport of the paper, combines conscience thought with self-realization, which is paid more attention, through local comparison with western self-realization theory to mine how conscience thought realizes self value based on self, and on this basis, further thinks the possibility of individual building good life through’conscience’.
Keywords/Search Tags:Subject, Subjectivity, Conscience, Self-realization, Virtue
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