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Research On Poem Of Wangxin

Posted on:2012-03-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S ZhaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155330332493082Subject:Ancient Chinese literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Wang Xin was an important Southern Song dynasty writer, with a "FangHuCunGao." A child he was unruly ambition. Although life is not official, but he patriotic concern for the people, have a strong national consciousness and disdain fame and wealth, wallow in feelings of being indifferent and detached state of mind. From the available information, regardless of their particular personal experience, or its rich literature, Wang Xin is a rich research value of the figure. This paper based on the existing historical literature and previous research results, to take Appreciating literature and the history of the world and each card means within its power to create poems of Wang Xin activities some more comprehensive, systematic, in-depth study and summary of its evaluation of literary creation.This article is divided into three chapters. Brief introduction part of the research significance of the topic and the current status quo. The first chapter of Wang Xin of the Discrimination of personal data as necessary and sort out, including his ancestral home, life test and the "FangHuCunGao," a brief introduction. According to WangXin Chapter content of poetry, its general classification, including how beautiful, patriotic concern for the people injured when the poems, friends poems, etc., and summarized the characteristics of the poetic art, including the meticulous precision, philosophical, and Scholarship poems and so on. Chapter content words according to WangXin, its subject matter for a general classification, including Yonghuai Ci, Ci poems on objects, Ci such as scene painting. In-depth study, based on the general characteristics of its words, including strong interest grounds colors, lyrical ambition, the liberation of other forms of Ci. Same time, through a detailed analysis of the word to highlight the unique charm of their words. Finally, the conclusion of a brief summary of the full text, draw Wang Xin poetry has its own unique charm, but there are also rough on artistic issues.Aspects of the above, I hope accurately as possible the overall style of poetry WangXin, a deep understanding of the unique charm of its poetry, to draw people to the WangXin of the proper attention to poetry.
Keywords/Search Tags:WangXin, Poetry, Exquisite, Microscopic, Principle and interest
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