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Luxun And "The Bud Monthly"

Posted on:2011-02-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L L WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155330332461608Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Lu Xun is called an industry giant, caring about and supporting Journal development. Though The Bud Monthly, which was edited by Lu Xun and Feng Xuefeng chiefly in 1930, was only a series of six ones, it is the representative of Lu Xun's series of journals. It undertook the conversions of Lu Xun journals from culture to politics, was a bridge connecting Lu Xun with the league of leftist writers, and also was an important document on revolution literary activities in the 1930s. With the creative background of The Bud and lu xun's contemporaneous creative psychology,analyzing Lu Xun's inner struggle and his final ideas during his mind-transforming period, the article looks into Lu Xun's creative features in the early 1930s generally and explores the art source of Lu Xun's works in order to sum up the new look in his work after rendering towards the"left".The Bud is the main controversy battlefield between Lu Xun and Liang Qiushi—the general of Xinyue Community in which we can explore their respective psychological bases and emotion orientations. Combing the articles of the two men, we can restore the historical facts and the scenes at that time, analyze Lu Xun's mind and emotional conversion on the career of translation from which Lu Xun's ideas about literature and translation can be seen. The bud shows the friendship between Lu Xun and Feng Xuefeng.With their driving,a large number of revolutionary literature youths went together,became the reserve force for the league of leftist writers and the development of the proletariat literary, and at the same time effectively counter against the Kuomintang's cultural"encirclement and suppression".Lu Xun agreed to join in the league of leftist writer, which developed the revolutionary cultural work. It is a significant thing in the contemporary literature history of china, and also an piece of important historical material in studying Lu Xun's activities in his last few years.Lu Xun worked by both editing and creating, and neither was ignored. Fifteen translating works of Lu Xun's works were published in The Bud Monthly. The works are not many,but they carry weight. The works in the particular historical period and with the special background of time not only reveals the complicated Chinese society and history, but also shows us the severe revolutionary struggle all over the world.Lu Xun in The Bud Monthly expressed the importance and hardships of the journal to make us explore its inner deep meaning, and savourthe big stage of life through the little journal world while reading and appreciating the journals.
Keywords/Search Tags:LuXun, The Bud Monthly, Research On The Relationship Between Them
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