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Medical,Hygiene And Local Community

Posted on:2011-01-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q P LiFull Text:PDF
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Medical and Hygiene sociology is a new branch of sociology, and there are a great many achievements at home and abroad. This research mainly focus on the rural medical and healthcare during the period of Chinese Agriculture Collectivization. Nowadays, Sociology gives little attention to the rural medical and healthcare, a large proportion of the related research results pay attention to history, especially to the history of the party and the Chinese history. These related research results which only use the literature research way have obvious limitations. In fact, the collectivization period is a prominent and characteristic period in the Chinese social development history, and its influence is still lingering even to this day. During this period, the Chinese Communist Party relies on strong national strength and variety of mobilization strategies, carried out a series of unprecedented social reconstructions in a very short period of time. It not only established the county, town and village hygiene networks rapidly, also launched a strong cooperative medical service, while effectively launched the Patriotic Health Campaign throughout urban and rural areas, of which is full of political overtones, "four pests" campaign and the barefoot doctors all over the countryside and fields, etc. All of this constitute a rich and unique social picture of this period. So, sociology should make their own interpretation and understanding on this social history phenomenon.From the perspective of historical sociology, this paper select the medical health practice of Mishan town, Gaoping county in Shanxi Province during the collectivization period as a case study. It based on social movements theory and investigated the whole process from traditional health care, social movement health care to the national health care model in the microcosmic point of view. In the meantime, it thoroughly discussed the close relationship between health care and local community.This paper argues that health care is the lens side of social change, through the medical and health can be characterized by deepening understanding of social change. Traditional public health practices, traditional social structure of rural society and the relationships are organic. During collectivization period, the nation organized the mass people to participate in health care social movements through a wide range of social mobilization. In the social movements, the traditional health care concepts, especially the relationship between traditional health care and society, was impacted by the health care reform movement which bearing state discourse, nationalism and new ideology. Ultimately, changed not only the rural and underserved a weak sense of the backward state of health, while achieving the country's new government building, ideology remodeling and transformation of the whole society.In fact,,there are many traditional faces deviate from the movement direction in the back of health social movement, these factors affect the effectiveness of social movements continuously. They are also the deep reason of the disintegration of the cooperative medical sevice.
Keywords/Search Tags:Mi shan, Collectivization Period, Medical and Hygiene, Local community
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