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The Study On Book Series Of TCM In Qing Dynasty

Posted on:2010-03-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y J ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2144360275978761Subject:TCM History and Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The book series of TCM is an important part of TCM ancient books, which had developed for a long period of Song, Jin, Yuan dynasty and reached its peak in Qing dynasty. At this time its achievement greatly exceeded the one in any other dynasty before Qing both in quality and quantity.It is fully convinced that there are great many studies on book series, yet special studies on book series of TCM are scare. Through review and analysis of them, it is easy to know that most reviews are not systemic exposition and focus on only one or a few kinds of book series of TCM.At first, it is necessary to understand what is book series before the study of book series of TCM. The so-called book series is a sequence of books certain characteristics in common that are formally identified together as a group. Book series can be organized in different ways, such as written by the same author, or marketed as a group by their publisher. Generally speaking, book series typically shares the following six characteristics. First, every book series has its own series name, which can be named as same as its fascicule, or be renamed differently. Second, every fascicule is a independent and integrated books which has its own name. Third, as a book series normally contains a great amount of fascicule, its publications would be done not once but finished successively. Fourth, the editor of book series must be the same one, but the author of fascicule may not necessarily be the same person. Fifth, fascicules of a book series normally has the same way of book binding and layout, whose cover design is normally similar. Sixth, there are some book series ,whose fascicules are released according to regular sequence.The study on book series of TCM in Qing dynasty is mainly discussing the development of book series of TCM from 1644, the year in which the Qing dynasty established,to 1911,the year in which the Qing dynasty overthrown.According to research, the social development of Ming and Qing dynasty established a good foundation for the improvement of book series of TCM. For one thing, prosperous economy in south of the Yangtze River region continued to Qing dynasty, which was good for the progress of publishing industry. For another, the growth of printing industry maintained strong momentum until the Qing dynasty. Finally, the demand for book series increased with the government attaching great importance to TCM and the number of doctors rising continuingly.Meanwhile, with the knowledge of the traditional Chinese medical accumulate, more and more editors felt obliged to collect and collate so much abundant TCM books and published them as book series. Therefore, experiencing a long period development from Song, Jin, Yuan, Ming to Qing dynasty, editing and publishing book series of TCM boomed in China.According to the statistic data, the amount of book series of TCM is more than 300 kinds, which obtained in Chinese Ancient Books Bibliographies of TCM. As a result, there are several ways of classification to be applied in the paper in order to facilitate the research and better use of so many kinds of book series.There are such abundant book series of TCM in Qing dynasty, it is impossible to discuss every kind of it. In this paper, more than 10 kinds of large-scale series have been introduced like YIZONGJINJIAN, edited by Wu Qian etc, which is the representative works in comprehensive books series of TCM.Anyway, the book series of TCM had a tremendous impact and far-reaching effects. First, it is good for collection and collation, to some extent, which disseminated medical knowledge. Second, it saves plenty of literature, especially some precious ancient books that had died out in early times can saved. Third, it is better to promote the development of academic schools. At last, the book series of TCM promotes the further development of academic division, meanwhile which made fascicule become integrated.
Keywords/Search Tags:Qing Dynasty, Book Series of TCM, Study
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