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Research Of The Nurses Participating Keep-fit Activity

Posted on:2009-11-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z H YinFull Text:PDF
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Object; To investigate and analyze the status of nurses participating keep-fit activity, we want to find the influencing factors which effect nurses took part in keep-fit activity , then we advance some suggests. In order to provide theoretical evidence for organization to develop sports scientifically and effectively. Consequently, to improve the constitution of nurses and to help patients recover and maintain and promote health betterly.Methods; By means of face-to-face questionnaire and interview, we investigated 250 nurses in the three level of first-class hospitals, 150 nurses in the two level of first-class hospitals, 100 nurses in the one level of first-class hospitals with stratified cluster sampling. Data was managed and inputted with softer of Epidata2.0 . All statistical analysis were performed using the SPSS11.5 statistical software.Results; Nurses had interest in participating keep-fit activity account for 58.4%.They thought the sports were very important accounted for 26.9%.Most nurses did not join in sports(59.2%) and they also did not plan to attend keep-fit activities(13.4%).The main purpose of participating health activity were to promote health(83.5%) and relieved tension(49.0%), the duration of attending keep-fit activities focused 2-5 years.(58.8%), the times that was greater than three times of joining in sports accounted for 21.6% once a week and they last about 1 hour at each time(56.1%).They like jog(49.0%),walk(38.1%) and shuttlecock(15.5%) and so on. The nurses took part in sports at night mostly(51.5%),and they often joined in keep-fit activities with themselves(43.3%) and their family(39.2%) and comrade(45.4%).The place of sports wounds focused on park place(37.6%) and residential quarter(32.0%).They were guided less by sports instructors in joining the sports(28.9%),and only a part of nurses joined in athletic associations and clubs(20.1%).The proportion of knowing the knowledge about physical exercise counted for 30.4%.The influencing factors of the nurses participate keep-fit activity were lack of time, sports wounds, interest, companion and were lazy to exercise. Besides these, they fell short of organization, finance and sports instructors. Anything else, they thought there was no need to take part in sports, because they considered that they had good constitution. Few nurses felt themselves valetudinarian and not to fit to attend exercise.Conclusion; Nurses were short of consciousness of keep-fit activity, the nurses attended keep-fit activity were lesser in quantity and frequency. But they sensed the purpose of attending keep-fit activity that to promote the mental and physical health. Now the sports were lacking organize, and the nurses lack of guidance scientifically and systematically, and they knew less basic knowledge about exercise. According to existing problems and formative factors ,we suggest that hospital and interrelated department should attach importance to health activities and caring the nurses' mental and physical health. We propose that government should establish and consummate the interrelated policy and system, in the meantime we should give more publicity to keep-fit activities and increase moderately plough into the finance,sports facilities and fitness equipment. To set up special organization and sports instructors for nurses, organize fitness and sports competitions actively. It is important that family and friends should give support to the nurses.
Keywords/Search Tags:nurses, keep-fit activity, factors, constitution
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