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Study Of The Forming Mechanism Of Superior Subjects Cluster In A Certain General Hospital

Posted on:2007-09-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2144360182991566Subject:Social Medicine and Health Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The construction of superior subjects cluster have become the key task in the subject construction of the general hospital. It's important for hospital managers to grasp the feature and forming mechanism of the superior subjects cluster in decision making and found the superior subject system, which can promote the the hospital core compitation ability.This study choosed a general hospital which afford medical, teaching and science research task in shanghai. Collecting the subject data from 2001-2005 to establish the subjects information library. Performing subject construction evaluation with a mature subject assessment index system.Using multivariable statistical methods such as cluster analysis, principal component analysis, factor analysis and logistic regression analysis to tell the superior subject cluster from all the subjects of the hospital, find the main and latent characters, then on the basis of which explore the main influnce facotors and their mechanism in the forming of superior subject cluster to instruct the subject construction work.The subjects evaluation shows that the general level of the hospital subject construction is well. By combining the results of the subject evaluation and the cluster analysis shows that some subject clusters constructed by hospital manager in purpose and some subject clusters formed natrually have become the superior subject cluster among all the hospital subjects. All the subjects are divided into four main developing pattern: overall quickly developing pattern, sub- overall quickly developing pattern, steadily increaing and partly outstanding pattern, steadily developing pattern and slowlly developing pattern. The main characters of the superior subject cluster including: high medical technology and specialty, solving medical problem in good manner, good public welfare, continuously research and development ability and good passing mode of medical high technology. The logistic regression analysis findsthat there are five main influence factors which influence the forming of superior subject cluster including: "The forming of medical technology advantages, superior subject leader, high quality medical service and the ability of cultivate the advanced talent men.According to the results of the cluster analysis, the general hospital should take different measures in the subjects construction task on different developing pattern subjets. At the same time the construction of the general hospital should obey the following principles: the medical technology creation is the core, the research and development ablitity is the basis, the talent men team is the main resources, rely on different orgnization type and scientifically planning. On which the hospital managers could consult in the process of superior subject cluster constraction.
Keywords/Search Tags:general hospital, superior subject cluster, mechanism
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