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Comprehensive Evaluation Of Medical Community Teaching Base

Posted on:2004-09-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2144360125468710Subject:Social Medicine and Health Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Objectives: 1.To explore and establish a scientific index system ofcomprehensive evaluation in the teaching base of the medical community.2.To carry out the practical evaluation and obtain information of teachingmanagement, teaching condition, teaching staff, teacher training and teachingeffect, to do the research and solve problems so as "to evaluate for reform andconstituation ".and to keep the base sustainable, stable and healthy development.thus,to make the student reach their required level in the teaching base.Method: We selected twelve experts in Beijing and Xinjiang. The indexsystem and index's weights were determined by DELPHI method andprecedence chart method after two turns consultation.Results: 1.Definite an index system, of which can be divided into threelevels, there are four primary indictors, seventeen secondary indexes andsix tertiary indexes .The primary index and their weights are teachingmanagement(0.15) and teaching condition(0.25) teaching staff,teachertraining(0.30) and teaching effect(0.30).modified index: system of teaching managementIncreased index: knowledge, attitude, behavior in community sanitaryservice, cooperative ability, quantity of scientific research problems andpublished thesis, condition of professional learning environment andqualified rate of comprehensive medical knowledge.2.Evaluate the two community teaching base by index system in order toreflect practical working condition, and the result shows that there existsome problems in teaching management and the teachers'competence.Propose corresponding suggestions.
Keywords/Search Tags:index system, comprehensive evaluation, community teaching base
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