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Changes Of Plant's Oxidoreductase Activity During Their Growth Stage At Different Combination Of Organic Manure And Nitrogen Fertilizer

Posted on:2011-08-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L LiuFull Text:PDF
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The proper use of organic manure could not only relive the environmental pressure by dumping it, but also maintain the productivity of the soil. By adding the organic manure, the organic matter could be increased and the physicochemical properties could be improved, which is of great importance to the sustainable development of modern agriculture. Soil enzymes play an important role in organic manure applying, nutrient transformation and crop growth. It could catalyze biochemical reaction in the soil, promote using of nutrient by crops, eliminate the negative effect to crops during this procedure and characterize the properties of microorganism community in the soil. Research on soil enzyme can characterize the soil fertility as well as working as an alerting indicator to human's disturbance to ecosystem. In this study, the activity trend of catalase, dehydrogenase, polyphenol oxidase in the soil which were processed at different organic manure and nitrogen fertilizer combination levels.Relationship between the trend of oxidoreductase activity and wheat yield in the soil applied by different combination levels of organic manure and nitrogen fertilizer was studied. The result showed that catalase and dehydrogenase activity increased by adding combined organic manure and nitrogen fertilizer in comparison with mere organic manure or nitrogen fertilizer. The activity of soil catalase and dehydrogenase were highest at 1.1750 0.1N KMnO4 mL/(g.20min) and 15.7931 TPF ug/(g.d) respectively when the dosage of organic manure and nitrogen fertilizer were 22500kg/hm2 and 120 kg/hm2 respectively, in the mean time the yield of wheat reached the peak. However, catalase and dehydrogenase activity decreased when usage of organic manure and nitrogen fertilizer exceed 37500kg/hm2 and 180 kg/hm2 rspectively. Soil polyphenol oxidase activity went down by adding more fertilizer. Soil polyphenol oxidase activity was the highest when no organic manure or nitrogen fertilizer was used. The activity of soil polyphenol would drop to the lowest level when dosage of organic manure and nitrogen fertilizer were at their largest amount.Relationship between the trend of oxidoreductase activity and corn yield in the soil applied by different combination levels of organic manure and nitrogen fertilizer was studied. The result showed that catalase and dehydrogenase activity increased by adding combined organic manure and nitrogen fertilizer in comparison with mere organic manure or nitrogen fertilizer. The activity of soil catalase and dehydrogenase were highest at 1.6354 0.1N KMnO4 mL/(g.20min) and 10.8067 TPF ug/(g.d) respectively, when the dosage of organic manure and nitrogen fertilizer were 22500kg/hm2 and 120 kg/hm2 respectively. However, soil polyphenol oxidase activity went down when more fertilizer was used. The activity of soil polyphenol would drop to the lowest level when dosage of organic manure and nitrogen fertilizer were at their largest amount..Biolog( an full-automatic microorganism identify instrument) was used to analyze the microorganism community in the soil during corn's early growth stage and harvest stage. The results indicated that AWCD value was lowest when no fertilizer was used, whereas the AWCD value grew accordingly when the dosage of organic manure was increased. The PCA revealed that the metabolism of soil microorganism community were apt to vary, nevertheless applying organic manure to the soil could make the metabolism be stable.
Keywords/Search Tags:organic manure, oxidoreductases, wheat, corn
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