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The Planting And Commercialization Of Corp In The Southwest Region Of Tang Dynasty

Posted on:2011-06-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C J LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2143360302497714Subject:History of Ancient China
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The planting and commercialization of corp is important indicator of the level of development of productiving forces of specific area in certain period,which reflect the status of a regional economic structure and represent a certain number of new socio-economic development situation. It has been able to become one of the important sources of wealth and material supply base in the western opening to the outside, or even to save time and again the fate of Tang dynasty in Southwest Region because of the developmental the region's agricultural economy, vergens commodities and higher horizontal commercialization. Systematic research of the planting of crops and commercialization of products in Southwest of Tang Dynasty,it will not only help to better understand and reveal Tang Dynasty, the historical process of regional economic development, but also provide historical reference for adjusting the rural industrial structure, carrying out social neo-rural development, promoting regional economic development for today.Crops, both alimentary and economic crops are very abundant, widespread and it planting technique is highly improved in the southwest region of Tang Dynasty. It indicated the improvement of the alimentary crops planting technique that not only the crop species increase and widely distributed in dryland but also the increase of rice varieties and expansion of the planting areas. The main phenomenons are as following. First, the use and improvement of iron farm tools, irrigation tools, advanced cultivation tools and buffalo. Second, the appearance and improvement of deep plowing, ridge practices, seedling transplant techniques, crop rotation, inter-species, intercropping, multiple cropping and other improved farming techniques, third, new varieties of rice appeared. The planting of Sangma, tea, sugarcane, fruits, vegetables, flowers, herbs and other economic crops were highly developed in southwest region of Tang Dynasty. Its main characters are varieties, widely distributed and uneven, production and technological improved and so on.We can see some characters from the development of crop commodity production in the southwest region of Tang Dynasty as following.1. Both alimentary and economic crops cultivation have shown a clear tendency of commodity production, but the degree of are different. Economic crops commodity production levels are higher than alimentary crops.In the fields of economic crops, the tea is the most prominent, vegetables and fruit is obvious too.2. The commodity production of these crops show off large growing region, the scale expansion and processing of technologies, most importantly its higher level of the specialization.3. In many areas of crop cultivation has been specializing in a particular crop of production, and to the crop commodity exchange for the purpose, which including the farmers and landlord. Even in some areas, the use of seasonal workers have emerged the phenomenon of labor; 4. The development of agricultural commodity production is flourishing foundation for marketing agricultural products and circulation. It is noteworthy that crop commodity production a certain degree of development, but in the course of development are also subject to a number of policy barriers, exposing a number of areas such as farm-trade regardless of limitations Tang Dynasty in southwest.Commercialization of agricultural products are mainly embodied in the flow of traffic and marketing in the Southwest Region of Tang Dynasty,which reflects the large area of agricultural commodities during the situation of the developmental range in flowing, the thematic the formation of the market and scale expands in business.There are five kinds of important economic and social impact of the planting and commercialization of corp in the Southwest Region of Tang Dynasty. First of all, many agricultural products become a commodity and access to distribution of marketing field, it has promoted the emergence and prosperity of the market related topics at all levels of urban and rural markets in the southwest; Secondly, a wide variety of agricultural products had enriched commodity content in addition to self-sufficiency in the Southwest Region of Tang Dynasty, and had strengthen economic ties between regions, which greatly promoted the development of commodity economy;third, the commercialization of agricultural products to promote the friendly exchanges between nations and conducive to promoting the development of Southwest which is a minority region;fourth, the economic development of handicraft is based on an increase in crop yields and supported active traders and the market's prosperity, it through the flow of traffic in agricultural products and marketing to achieve. Therefore,commercialization of corp promote handicraft and other economic development in the Southwest Region of Tang Dynasty, for instance, grind, brewing, sauce vinegar, Oil, silk linen, tea, sugar, vegetable processing, fruit processing, flower, medicinal herbs processing and so on.Finally, the commercialization of agricultural products to some extent promote the development of the southwest region and enlarge the socio-economic regional specialization,thus changing the planting structure of the rural area, economic structure, mode of operation in the area of agriculture and relations of production, it effect wide-ranging and far-reaching.
Keywords/Search Tags:Tang Dynasty, Southwest Region, Corp, Planting, Commercialization
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