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Professor Wang Dong 's Experience In Treating Gout

Posted on:2015-01-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y YangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2134330467473139Subject:Internal medicine of traditional Chinese medicine
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Objective:Gout is the monosodium urate deposition in bones and joints, kidneys,and other parts of the skin, caused by acute and chronic inflammation and tissuedamage, and purine metabolism and (or) uric acid (UA) excretion decreasehyperuricemia directly Related belonging metabolic rheumatic category [1].Clinical manifestations of recurrent episodes of arthritis, gout stone formation,the latter can cause gouty nephropathy and uric acid nephrolithiasis form.Western main treatment drug therapy and surgery, the clinical efficacy of theacute phase only significant kidney disease and intermittent period of the effectis not very satisfactory, and there side effects, recurrence rate, surgery isnot easy being the characteristics of patients. Chinese medicine treatment ofthis disease have a greater advantage, we based on clinical symptomscharacteristic of gout, gout will be attributed to "Arthralgia" category. Thispaper aims to summarize the experience from Professor Wang Dong Bi SyndromeTreating gout, in order to alleviate the suffering of patients, joint deformityand reduce the incidence of kidney damage, thereby improving the quality of lifeof patients.Methods: Clinical Endocrinology Professor Wang Dong engaged in research workhas more than ten years, the pathogenesis and treatment of gout has its uniqueinsights, and accumulated a wealth of clinical experience. By following mentorclinical practice and learning, combined with recent research literature on gout,from the Chinese perspective on the etiology and pathogenesis of gout,dialectical theory of governance and other aspects of the summary.Conclusions:(1) we will Arthralgia areas attributed to gout, gout and moreconsidered by the endogenous pathogenic dampness, less because of governancegout, arthralgia and phases correspond to different categories, depending on the diagnosis and treatment of gout. My teacher guidance in the traditionalmedical theory, based on years of clinical observation will be divided intoacute gouty arthritis stage, intermittent, gouty nephropathy of threedialectical theory of governance.(2) the acute phase is mainly dominatedheat evil, are five areas of the body paralysis; intermittent mainly dominateddampness evil, resulting in phlegm stasis students, belonging to the five areasof the body paralysis; gouty nephropathy long into the network of the Departmentof Disease, involving the organs, spleen and kidney deficiency, phlegm andblood stasis mainly belong to the scope of internal organs paralysis.(3)acute arthritis to the clearing of heat and moisture, blood Tongluozhitong mainsquare with four wonderful Pill Tiger Guizhi soup; intermission I phlegm stasis,Juanbi meridians, and tune the spleen and kidneys, I Yiyiren decoction; goutynephropathy stage I spleen and kidney, phlegm stasis meridians of the law, IDUHUOJISHENG subtraction diagnosis and treatment, significant clinical effect.
Keywords/Search Tags:gout, arthralgia, staging, classification, diagnosis andtreatmen
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