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Case Study And Theoretical Exploration Of Economical Landscape

Posted on:2011-11-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:N YanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2132360308976595Subject:Urban planning and design
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Building a conservation-oriented society to achieve a sustainable development of the society, is the result of summarizing the experience of modernization construction, and it is also one of the most significant political decisions under Chinese current national situation On this concept, current ecological and economical landscape construction have achieved initial success. But in urban construction practice, problems have been revealed that attentions are mainly focused on economic and artistic factors such as market demands, economic strategies and design forms. By contrast, factors such as environmental ethics, including social and ethical values and socio-cultural orientation are neglected, or simply used as pretty labels. Therefore, except studying the theoretical systems of relevant subjects, the consideration of ethical dimensions of landscape construction is also required.Thesis is divided into five parts:Part I (chapter one): In this part, thesis will propose research background, status, research methods, the framework of the dissertation, and also with the relevant definition of the concept.Part II (chapters two and three): First of all, analyzing the reasons of economical-oriented landscape, and the problems and the causes of these problems in current practical landscape construction, illustrating the practical significance of theoretical exploration and exploration direction. It will also provide a review of theoretical background to provide the basis for following case study.Part III (fourth and fifth chapters): In the case choice, using sensitive process of urbanization as the key point, analyzing typical cases of domestic and foreign full-cycle, through personality analysis and common induction tried to find a profound theoretical support.Part IV (sixth and seventh chapters): In the process of specific theoretical exploration, theories not being limited to carding disciplines, the consideration of social and cultural factors is also an important part. The purpose is to discuss the construction of landscape with the perspective of ethics, and according to the specific national conditions, form a set of theories and ways of economical landscape construction, which is based on ethical values.Part V (Conclusion): The last part has summarized research results, and made recommendations and prospects on further research.
Keywords/Search Tags:Economical landscape, Case study, Theoretical exploration, Ethics
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