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Xian Ming City On The Traditional Method Of Exploration And Practice Of Architectural Design To Jinyuan Continental Style Design As An Example

Posted on:2011-09-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2132360305967313Subject:Architectural Design and Theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Socio-economic and cultural globalization, led to the increasing decline of traditional Chinese culture and the loss of a city's character, architecture, so, lost its own personality, making all the city side of cities, uniform, without personality, without the characteristics of the traditional Context is difficult to continue the traditional culture is difficult to reproduce. So now the architects of the responsibility and obligation is to sew the traditional culture and modern society, cracks, because the development of architectural culture is open to past, is constantly superimposed, update, rather than denial and subversion. Search for new architectural forms, passing on traditions but also to meet the contextual needs of modern society is the urgent task of the architect.In particular, Xian, three thousand years of civilization in this ancient capital, the protection of traditional cultural heritage of history and Context, and explore new forms to protect the ancient city of style and building texture to seek new architectural design method, is a priority.Practice is the sole criterion for success or failure is the exploration and development, the only means. Commercial Street, Xi'an Jinyuan Continental style designed as a practical case, is that we in the ancient city of Xi'an is a new area to explore. Our design center is how the traditional architectural style and style and into the modern architecture, so that it can that is able to protect the historic look of the ancient city areas at the same time with modern functionality. Design of specific four main points:1 building texture. Parsing the original style and architecture ancient texture, making the design and into the ancient style, and has played the role of sutures and make up.2 The ratio of scales of space in architecture. Traditional and modern architecture is the biggest contradiction in the proportion and scale. Scale is as social change and development, and scale of modern life and traditional architecture scales to resolve contradictions in the key we have to solve3The architectural style. The traditional residential architectural style, elements of refined, reconstruction and integration, and into the modern architecture in a new style of story to ancient and modern tradition.4 uilding materials. The use of traditional materials, as well as the innovative use of. Papers from the actual project experiences in the actual case to illustrate is how to turn off in the residential buildings and modern architecture that blends a new kind of architectural style and form. Has focused on exploring specific design ideas and tools. Finally, Jinyuan continental-style design process and design methods made concluding with a summary of how the ancient city of the future construction of new buildings being done thinking and discussion.
Keywords/Search Tags:Ming Guan City, Jinyuan Continental style, stitching in residential, architectural design
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