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Contemporary Theatrical Building Morphology Generation Principle Study

Posted on:2011-04-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C C XuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2132360305455902Subject:Architectural Design and Theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Theatrical building represent a city or even a country's top level of economy, culture, science and technology, it takes the task of undertake a race's cultural spirit. With the develop of performing site from the earliest time of outside theater to the modern professional inside theatrical building, this special type of architecture have become an independent branch with highly strong characters of art, technology and integration. Lately more and more theatrical building were built in China, from the economic developed cities to less developed cities, every city spent a lot of money and personal resource on it. For the special orientation, usually this kind of building's function is as important as their outside surface, sometimes their outside looking is more important and was taking into consideration firstly.This thesis is based on the point and analysis the morphology creating principal of theatrical building. There is a study route goes through the thesis from theory to method and then practice. For the basic entity factor, the three basic element of theatrical building give out the original outside looking, single-auditorium and multi-auditorium theatrical building have different spatial combinations, which influence their morphology creating. In addition, their special construction site and orientation give out deeply consideration about aesthetics requirements of their morphology. We discuss this question from three points:special construction site, node and landmark, sight penetration.After analysis the basic factor of creating their morphology, we discuss the intrinsic significance under the outside surface and this is cultural meaning. And then we discuss the modern technology used on theatrical building, which cause their variety morphology. Finally here is a practical theatrical building project the author take part in, from the former item orientation, function composing, site plan analysis, exploration of the local humanistic environment and regional characters of Fushun city to the project design, we created a building with special regional character and a nicely visual effect.
Keywords/Search Tags:Theatrical building, Morphology, City, Culture, Technology
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