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The Dualism Of The Architecture Boundary Along The Street

Posted on:2003-11-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X H XieFull Text:PDF
GTID:2132360065961037Subject:Architectural Design and Theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the rapid development of economy,the urbanization step is speeding upmore and more in our country.It gives to our architects not only very good opportunities, but also a great deal challenge. You can imagine that new streets will be constructed very soon, a plenty of old buildings will be dismantled and new buildings will be given birth.But can we hear not a little critique larding among a lot of praise? As a matter of fact,the quality is not enhanced as quickly as increasing quantity.The phenomenon also occcurs in the streets' construct. It's well known that the architecture is the most important element in the course of the street coming into being,especially in the architecture boundary.So it is the key to enhance the quality of streets' space that we must understand the inwardness of the boundary through the architecture along the street and other correlations.The thesis' going on is based on analysis , inducing and summarizing existing information.Of course, I bring forword my views.The boundary along the street is enduced some meaning which differs from common buildings' because of especial location.What's more,it is provided with some dualism.These dualism makes the boundary vary more or less so that the form of the boundary becomes more complex and more analyzes the boundary through different directions.I attemp to understand the form of boundary through the study of the dualism.This is from urban designing to architecture designing. This is the study which guiding future practice with the help of analyse.This thesis is made up of six parts.Introduction--It explain the cause I select the theme, the objective I will achieve at,andso on.Chapter One--The Connotation of the Boundary The boundary acts as the dividingline between the building and the street so that it is endowed with some particular characters.It anatomizes the dualism from different directions.Chapter Two--The Form of the Boundary The form of boundary comes forth underthe press of these dualisms. And it analyses the cause that different kinds of boundary appear.Chapter Three--The Relationship between Bounday and Architecture This belongs tointerior relationship.It describes that some particular function and disposal patterns influence the form of the boundary.Chapter Four--The Relationship between Bounday and Street It points that theboundary should submit to the whole street and adjust to the form felicitously because of a part of the street.Epilogue--It summarizes the whole thesis and draw a conclusion.
Keywords/Search Tags:The architecture along the street, Boundary, Dualsim, Relationship, Street
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