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The Research On Home Medical Product Design For Old People In China

Posted on:2012-07-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S M RenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2132330335478350Subject:Art of Design
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Industrial Design is a professional pursuit of continuous innovation, the core is people-oriented, integrated design of all skills, through the use of latest technology and the social, economic, cultural, technology, aesthetics, knowledge, rational use of resources, industrial products, features, structure, appearance, packaging and related aspects of the integrated design, so that the products fully adapt to meet human needs. Social development today, mankind has entered a long life, aging times. According to statistics, China has reached 150 million elderly population, the proportion of the total population to 12% by 2050 the elderly population will grow to over 400 million. This shows that nearly half a century in the future, China will increase the aging trend, the elderly will become a group which can not be underestimated. This will bring new consumer markets elderly, older industries have been showing good development prospects. How to develop the market for the elderly to become placed in the designer design products before a major problem. Status of China's population structure and the current voice of the construction of a harmonious society will be referred to the old product design industrial designer's work agenda.China's aging population will accelerate the development of medical products for the elderly. At present, the medical products market has become the world after the United States and Japan the third largest medical products market. Although the overall level of medical products in China is far behind developed countries, but from China after the founding of the medical products industry started, experienced a speeding the process of development, China's medical industry has made great progress and development to a certain level. As China's economic development and social progress, the elderly increasingly concerned about their own health, the elderly, growing awareness of self-care. In addition, modern medical services model undergoing profound changes, the traditional clinical treatment of simple medical model has failed to meet the psychological needs of modern people, premorbid prevention, patient treatment and home care, health care and other diversified, multi-level synthesis of modern medical Security system is taking shape, more and more multi-functional medical products gradually into different modern families, into people's daily life. Users of medical products from the traditional health care into general patients or their families.In this background, This topic starting from the design for man, on the current elderly home health care products on the market and living environment of the elderly, home health care in elderly research methods of product design, medical products by the elderly from home among different levels of human design were discussed. The issue is I read through the literature method, market research, experiments and other research methods, theory of human nature as a guide, home medical products for the elderly to explore, from the elderly physical, psychological and other aspects of the home of How user-friendly medical products design. The topic tries to design the perfect blend of humanity to the elderly to go home medical products and medical products through specific design intuitive products to show the human side, and further enrich the product of human design theory.
Keywords/Search Tags:The Aged, Medical Products, Homely, Humanization, Industrial Design
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