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Clothing Store Lighting Layout And The Exploration Of Light Effects

Posted on:2012-05-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:R B LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2132330332494751Subject:Art of Design
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the advent of the 21st century, and the accelerated pace of modern life, the human way of clothing beginning to access to information is simple, become clear, the city life in close contact with our clothing store much attention has gradually up, color, lighting brand to create such an atmosphere, provides us with a purchase reference. clothing brand in the clothing store's performance in the static display method of the customer base and intensity of effect have become a by business, are increasingly important issue clothing brand to adapt to changes in light of contemporary trends in the development.How to treat clothing store lighting design layout and light effects color development and light clothing store layout and light effects and demonstrate the importance of design tools? The factors affecting the development of what? And how to adapt to the context of modern society, the development of its on innovation? This series of questions based, clothing brand showcase lighting layout and color of light is very efficient design need.This article will focus on clothing store itself, the clothing brand the subject, through the style of clothing stores, clothing store layout and light effects lighting design tools, clothing store lighting design, layout and light effects psychological characteristics of color, clothing store Effect analysis of market produce, clothing and other auxiliary lighting means and means of window displays the contents of the clothing stores of clothing to do their own means of interpretation on the basis of comprehensive analysis focused on the window generated by the different colors on the psychological impact of the customer, short reach and the customer asked the brand philosophy and psychology of communication.
Keywords/Search Tags:Clothing, Store, Showcase, Lighting layout, Light effect
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