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The Characteristics Of The Hui-style Dwellings Carving Art In Jiangxi

Posted on:2011-02-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J F GongFull Text:PDF
GTID:2132330332463431Subject:Art of Design
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In this paper, I first analyzed Jiangxi and Huizhou geographical environment, social environment, and explore the environment both internal similarity, the existence of these similarities for the formation of Jiangxi Anhui-style houses laid the cultural foundation for the Hui style houses carved in Jiangxi art form, expanding the Jiangxi Hui style houses carving art form area. Jiangxi Hui style houses carved art gradually and Hui residential development and evolution of certain relationships. Jiangxi Anhui-style residential development is rapidly carving art, and its performance characteristics and its components in residential areas decorated for the three-carving process, the formation of Jiangxi and Anhui-style houses decorated law carved artistic, have showed the emblem of Residence in carving Jiangxi Art of unique features. This paper analyzes the components of Jiangxi and Anhui-style residence of carving techniques, and summarizes the laws and artistic decoration to show Jiangxi Anhui style houses carved artistic beauty of form, color the United States, the characteristics of the whole manifest highly auspicious. Tracing the source, Jiangxi Anhui style houses carving art form art of decorative carvings from Huizhou houses, the third part of this article will contrast Anhui Jiangxi Anhui-style residential houses, the study found Jiangxi Anhui style houses carving arts as a whole showed similar characteristics with the Anhui style houses , but also develop and Hui's carving characteristics of different residential areas. In general, Jiangxi Anhui style houses carving arts more simple, lightweight, as graceful as Xiaojiabiyu. This fusion of Jiangxi and the carving art style houses in Huizhou has become a residential system, the formation of the South an important resource. Thus, this paper, the protection and heritage of its necessity and ways and means to Jiangxi traditional carving arts have a choice and method of integration of modern architectural design, has become the emblem of Residence in Jiangxi irresistible carving arts trend.
Keywords/Search Tags:Jiangxi Hui-style dwellings, Huizhou dwellings, carving art, jiangxi
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