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The Design Research Of Ecological Environment Model In Virtual Community

Posted on:2012-08-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L L GaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2131330332997241Subject:Education Technology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Network culture ecological unbalance is the present common phenomenon of network society. in the network culture background,the virtual community also exists a lot of problems such as information pollution,information attack,virtual community a poor quality of information resources.The contradiction between the user needs and virtual community environment is clear.The existence of information pollution or function is not perfect,cannot fully meet users'requirement,leads to the low satisfaction and poor trust of users for virtual community,so the user responsibility consciousness is not strong, makes originally existing problems of virtual community environment be more vulnerable from users.Therefore,to clear the existing problem of virtual community,to propose effective improvement and to build harmonious and healthy, green ecological environment virtual community has become one of the very important task.Through the research of situation and elements in virtual community environment, combining the basic characteristics of the ecological system, this paper summarizes the characteristics of virtual community ecological system. The contradiction between users'demand and the virtual community environment is the fundamental power.Based on it,this paper creates users'need hierarchy tower of virtual community. On the basis of the theory ualitative and quantitative comparative study about two representative in the virtual community BBS, "everyone nets" of comprehensive ecology,it constructs structure and function model of environmental ecological environment in virtual community containing the man-machine environment, people's environment and cultural environment three sons. This model embodies the essence of specific demand, with its guidance, this paper macroly analyzes on the role of ecosystem material circulation, information transmission and energy flow in virtual community, micro respectively makes the optimization tactics of the ecological environment from the man-machine, the humanities, and the cultural environment.Ecological environment for the virtual community provides a series of design and development for reference.The paper's organizational structure and details of every chapter are as follows:The first chapter of this paper primarily introduces the background of the research,analyzes the present research situation about the ecological environment of virtual community,summarizes the core problem and causes of the virtual community environment problems.Based on this, this chapter proposes the design concept and research supposition of "virtual community ecological environment",and describes the research contents and methods of this paper.The second chapter based on the analysis of the ecology theory,combined with the virtual community and ecological system,puts forward the virtual community the concept of the ecosystem and ecological characteristics,and according to maslowrs theory and virtual community needs hierarchy of user demand combined,summarizes the virtual community to design the ecological environment of the need to meet user needs to gain knowledge and safety requirements,emotional needs and self construction demand.Chapter 3 according to the analysis of the ecological system of virtual community out the basic characteristics,compares the more representative virtual community such as BBS,"everyone nets" and finds out which design not only conforms to the user needs and but also meets the ecological characteristics of virtual community.This chaper proposes the constitutes of the ecological environment on the virtual community.The fourth chapter according to the structure of the virtual community ecological environment,establishes virtual community structure and function of ecological environment,and some communities model of case study,puts forwards specific optimization strategy to achieve a virtual community ecological environment model function.The last chapter summarized main tasks and weaknesses of this research,as well as the directions of further research.
Keywords/Search Tags:virtual community, ecological environment, model
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