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Reflection And Reconstruction Of The View Of Knowledge In Humanities Curriculum

Posted on:2022-05-28Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y ZhouFull Text:PDF
GTID:1487306722990399Subject:Curriculum and pedagogy
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The core literacy of student development has received attention in recent years.The complexity and uncertainty of future life have brought huge challenges to education today.The relationship between people and knowledge in the school field is also constantly being redefined during the social and cultural transition period.As the fundamental task of education,"Establishing moral integrity in cultivation" has aroused widespread concern in the society.When looking at the teaching practice of Chinese,history and other humanities courses in the basic education stage from the perspective of Establishing moral integrity in cultivation,you will find that the humanistic spirit that these humanities courses should cultivate has not been well realized in many cases.This is closely related to the "excessive emphasis on the practical value of knowledge" in teaching practice and other issues that ignore human freedom and rationality.At the level of curriculum knowledge view,it can be attributed to a problem,that is: the scientific curriculum knowledge view oversteps the humanities curriculum.This is due to the alienation of the scientific curriculum knowledge view and the humanities curriculum knowledge view not sticking to its own unique attributes.Examining the current research on curriculum knowledge view,although the results are rich,many studies are calling for a shift from the "modern curriculum knowledge view" characterized by determinism,authority,and reduction to uncertainty,contextuality,and constructiveness.It is characterized by the "post-modern curriculum knowledge view".This kind of general turning theory ignores the differences in the knowledge background upon which the curriculum knowledge view is based,and plays down the attribute of curriculum knowledge as a specific type of knowledge,so most of it only stays in the modern and post-modern curriculum knowledge landscape.In terms of comparative description,less analysis is conducted from the internal attributes of curriculum knowledge,thus concealing the problem of arrogance.To solve the problem that the scientific curriculum knowledge view over the humanities curriculum,we must first eliminate the alienation of the scientific curriculum knowledge view itself.It can be seen from the development of science that from ancient Greek rational science to modern natural science,scientific knowledge has undergone an evolution from seeking truth to seeking power.The excessive pursuit of controlling external natural forces has led to scientific curriculum knowledge ignoring human freedom.Rationality,restoring the position of human freedom and rationality in the view of scientific curriculum knowledge is the primary task of eliminating the alienation of the view of scientific curriculum knowledge.To solve the problem that the scientific curriculum knowledge view oversteps the humanities curriculum,it is also necessary to re-examine itself in the humanities curriculum knowledge view.This kind of scrutiny should start from the criticism of logical premises,and should criticize the essence,rationality,and objectivity of the humanities curriculum knowledge view,recognize the legitimacy of the individual essence view,and recognize that the relational rationality can make up for the lack of personal rationality.It is also necessary to abandon the objective standard of coincidence theory,so that we can re-understand the characteristics of humanities curriculum knowledge from the perspective of curriculum teaching,and can also have a deeper understanding of textbooks,teachers and teaching in the teaching practice of humanities curriculum.This research explores the arrogance of scientific curriculum knowledge view to humanities curriculum knowledge from the theoretical level.Its purpose is to develop a research approach to curriculum knowledge view,and it may also indirectly promote the improvement of teaching practice.Therefore,this research mainly follows the thinking of review-reflection-reconstruction,and specifically discusses three issues: 1.What progress has been made in existing related research? In the fields of philosophical epistemology and curriculum knowledge,the research ideas are presented What's the general direction? 2.In realistic courses and teaching,it is necessary to clarify the problem that the scientific curriculum knowledge view overrides the humanities curriculum.It is necessary to restore the position of freedom and rationality in the scientific curriculum knowledge view,and it also requires the humanities curriculum knowledge view to have an in-depth reflection and renewal of oneself.know.3.What new aspects can be developed in the curriculum teaching practice based on the knowledge view of the humanities curriculum? What are the beneficial ideas for the text curriculum development of elementary school Chinese? What improvements can be made in Chinese teaching,etc.,based on the reconstruction of the knowledge view of the humanities curriculum,preliminary Propose a possibility of integrating science and humanities curriculum knowledge view.In response to the above problems,this research has achieved the following understandings:1.The research results of contemporary curriculum knowledge view are remarkable,but there are still some problems of different degrees.It is distinguished from the perspective of science and humanities,and the emphasis on the educating nature of curriculum knowledge is helpful to recognize that the scientific curriculum knowledge view overrides the humanities curriculum.A real problem.2.The alienated view of scientific curriculum knowledge makes students not fully aware of their freedom to use rationality.The learning of scientific curriculum knowledge is dominated by instrumental concepts,which is one of the reasons for the occurrence of arrogance.Therefore,it is first necessary to establish a scientific curriculum knowledge view based on rational freedom.3.The concept of knowledge of humanities curriculum should recognize the concept of individual essence.Learning humanities curriculum knowledge,the direction of human consciousness is from abstract to concrete,the closer to the individual itself,the more able to achieve the essential understanding of "this thing",and obtain a kind of individual meaning and value.This is different from the universal nature of science curriculum knowledge.4.The knowledge concept of humanities curriculum should introduce relational rationality to make up for the lack of personal rationality.The individual behind the knowledge of humanities curriculum is concrete rather than abstract.To learn humanities curriculum knowledge,we must meet people in knowledge and understand human nature,rather than just possess knowledge.5.The learning of humanities curriculum knowledge must construct the spiritual world of the individual's self.This construction must be a joint construction with others.It can be known through the analysis of humanities curriculum knowledge that difference is the source of the meaning of humanities curriculum knowledge.Humanities curriculum knowledge builds a "multiple worlds" that includes infinite operators and relational structures.Each individual is the intersection of relations.This intersection is the intersection of social history and culture.Others and inner time are important for the intersection relationship.Embodiment is therefore an important way to understand the knowledge of humanities courses.6.The objectivity of humanities curriculum knowledge cannot adopt the coincidence standard of scientific curriculum knowledge,but seeks a balance between diversity on the premise of acknowledging individual differences.It does not rely on uniqueness to obtain,but relies on multiple interpretations to eliminate the subjective hegemony that inevitably remains in each interpretation and achieve the integration and coherence of internal relations.Humanities curriculum knowledge has rich meaning levels,and the constancy of meaning is an important manifestation of its objectivity.7.When developing elementary school Chinese textbooks based on the humanities curriculum knowledge concept,it is necessary to systematically construct the "other world" and "cultural value landscape" in the textbooks.According to the humanities curriculum knowledge concept,some can be done in the compilation of textbooks such as pinyin,literacy,ancient poetry,etc.Useful exploration.8.According to the characteristics of the knowledge concept of the humanities curriculum,the language teacher should become a vivid individual,pay attention to the teaching value of the problem situation,draw educational wisdom from the life world,and strive to make the student's individual spiritual world and social public thoughts have an active dialogue.Achieve a coherent state of ideas.9.Science and humanities are interlinked.In a sense,science is a part of humanities.Both aim at pursuing truth.When facing transcendors,they both seek human freedom.In the cognitive process Both rely on the cognition method of the integration of body and mind,and there is inevitable ignorance.Therefore,they need to stimulate each other,learn from each other,and work together in order to achieve the truth-seeking purpose.The biggest shortcoming of this research lies in the lack of in-depth inspections from curriculum teaching practice.Due to time and energy constraints,it has only stayed at the level of theoretical speculation,and failed to have more practical discussion and analysis.This is also the future.Try to improve the direction.
Keywords/Search Tags:Humanities, Science, Curriculum Knowledge
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