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Research On Political Culture Construction Within The Communist Party Of China

Posted on:2022-08-03Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:S H LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:1486306491974849Subject:Marxist theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The construction of political culture intraparty is an important proposition put forward at the Sixth Plenary Session of the 18 th CPC Central Committee.It is an important part of the party's political construction system,reflects the party's new understanding of the law of cultural construction,and reflects the inevitable requirement of comprehensive and strict party governance to the in-depth development.It has very important theoretical and practical significance.This paper focuses on the construction of CPC's Inner-Party Political Culture,through a new research perspective and method,aiming to improve the theoretical system,explores the historical laws,judges the actual situation,analyzes the influencing factors,and explores the implementation path of the construction of Inner-Party Political Culture.Taking dialectical materialism and historical materialism as the fundamental methodology,this paper fully embodies the principles of the unity of analysis and synthesis,logic and history,qualitative and quantitative,and fact and value.The main research contents include: the theoretical construction of the Inner-Party Political Culture,the historical evolution and logic of the Inner-Party Political Culture Construction,the investigation of the current situation of the Inner-Party Political Culture,the analysis of the influencing factors of the Inner-Party Political Culture Construction,the goal direction and implementation path of the Inner-Party Political Culture Construction.The innovation of this paper is mainly reflected in the following aspects: first,the innovation from the perspective of research.Starting from the context and practice of China,the paper combines the particularity of Marxist political parties with the general nature of political culture,and examines the process of the construction of the political culture of the Communist Party of China through a comprehensive interdisciplinary perspective;Second,the innovation of the research content.This paper breaks through the traditional analysis paradigm,integrates the general theory of political culture on the basis of Marxist party theory,expounds the theoretical connotation of Inner-Party Political Culture,analyzes the inheritance mechanism of Inner-Party Political Culture,explores the historical law of Inner-Party Political Culture Construction,and constructs the evaluation index of the current situation of Inner-Party Political Culture,It shows a certain new meaning;The third is the innovation of the research process.In the process of demonstration,we should adhere to the unity of analysis and synthesis,construct the theoretical framework of the party's political culture,adhere to the unity of logic and history,explore the logical laws of the party's political culture construction,adhere to the unity of qualitative and quantitative,analyze the actual situation of the party's political culture,and adhere to the unity of fact and value,The paper explores the implementation path of the construction of political culture intraparty,and highlights the structural level and logical relationship between the chapters in the process of integrating theory and practice.
Keywords/Search Tags:Communist Party of China, political culture, the construction of political culture intraparty
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