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A Study Of Chinese Deidiomatization From A Functional Perspective

Posted on:2022-12-16Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:1485306749455564Subject:Chinese ethnic minority art
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Under the concept of the dynamic of language,based on a comprehensive survey of Chinese grammaticalization,pragmaticalization and idiom research results,this paper puts forward the concept of “deidiomatization”.Taking the Chinese deidiomatization as the research object,this paper discusses the expressions of deidiomatization,the pattern and the diversification of deidiomatization expressions,the condition,the motivation and the mechanism of deidiomatization from the perspective of function by using subjectivity theory,textual grammar theory and pragmatic theory.Deidiomatization reflects the characteristics of deconstruction,degestalt and unbalance in language change.The research on the Chinese deidiomatization can excavate the semantic and pragmatic potential of idioms,provide reference for the research on the subjective emergent meaning expression means,motivation and mechanism of Chinese existing elements,perfect the compilation of idiom dictionary and enrich idiom teaching.The concrete contents of this paper are as follows:The first chapter is “the introduction”,which introduces the origin of the topic,expounds on the research value of “deidiomatization”,summarizes the research status of“deidiomatization”,and explains the research methods and the source of the corpus.The second chapter is “the definition and expressions of deidiomatization”.By comparing with the idiom transition and idiom variant,this paper clarifies the concept of “deidiomatization”.Starting from the change of word order at the structural level,the expressions of deidiomatization can be divided into “expanding-abbreviating deidiomatization expressions” and “word order changing deidiomatization expressions”.According to the change of structure length,“expanding-abbreviating deidiomatization expressions” can be divided into “expanding deidiomatization expressions”,“substitution and new interpretation deidiomatization expressions” and “abbreviating deidiomatization expressions”.According to whether or not to add other elements after changing the word order,the “word order changing deidiomatization expressions” can be divided into “simple word order changing deidiomatization expressions” and“additional word order changing deidiomatization expressions”.From the third chapter to the fifth chapter,the paper discusses the characteristics of different levels of “expanding deidiomatization expressions”,“abbreviating deidiomatization expressions” and “word order changing deidiomatization expressions”.The third chapter is “expanding deidiomatization expressions”.Syntactically,it can insert words of different parts of speech and phrases of different structural types,superpose by multiple expanding elements,and compared with the prototype idiom,the process of deidiomatization embodies the characteristic of “syntactic upgrading”.According to different means of expanding,this paper discusses semantic multiplication:attribute is embodied in the positioning of adjectival attribute,the role ostension of person attribute,the “container-content” ostension of appositive attribute,and the adjusting quantity of scalar attribute;from the perspective of the signs of the boundedness,they are embodied in demarcating of aspect marker,making the related action bounded of the result complement,adjusting quantity of reduplication which is bounded of the boundary feature.Comparing with the prototype idiom from the change of the degree of commendation and derogation and the register of use,this paper describes the picture of use of the deidiomatization expressions,and analyzes the deidiomatization expressions of proverbs from the showing of semantic relation and subjective expression.The fourth chapter is“abbreviating deidiomatization expressions”.According to the different means of abbreviating,“abbreviating deidiomatization expressions”can be divided into“ellipsis deidiomatization expressions”and“contraction deidiomatization expressions”.Taking“dianjing(??)”and“beiguo(??)”as examples,this paper analyzes the different situations of“abbreviating deidiomatization expressions”which have been solidified and tend to be solidified.The functions of“abbreviating deidiomatization expressions”are embodied in the change of grammatical function,the adjustment of stylistic style,and the formation of semantic consistency of intertextual relation with the prototype idiom.The economic principle of language,the speaker's subjective choice of idiom elements,the abbreviating metonymy of“whole-part”,and the prosody and disyllabification play an important role in the formation of the“abbreviating deidiomatization expressions”.The construal of“abbreviating deidiomatization expressions”requires a high degree of cognition of idiom members,and the meaning of the prototype idiom can be construed under the cue of context and the effect of gestalt psychology.The fifth chapter is “word order changing deidiomatization expressions”.“Additional word order changing deidiomatization expressions” are embodied in subject-predicate structure set phrases,verb-object structure set phrases and verb-object structure idiomatic phrases to some extent.The expanding elements of the linear sequence of the subject-predicate structure set phrases are the elements of middle of original predicate and original subject,including the structural particle “de(?)” and the attribute of original subject,and the expanding elements of the linear sequence of verb-object structure set phrases and verb-object structure idiomatic phrases except the elements of middle of original object and the verb,they also include the aspect marker of the verb,the complement of the verb and the attribute of the prototype idiom object.The functions of “word order changing deidiomatization expressions” include referential expression,topicalization of the original object,hierarchical prominence of the predicate information,enhancement of the independence of the original object,and elaborative expression.The formation of “word order changing deidiomatization expressions” is related to the restriction of semantic expression,the economy of expression and the adjustment of information structure.The construal of “word order changing deidiomatization expressions” requires to have a high degree of cognition of the idiom members,to have a strong grasp of the structure and meaning of all kinds of idioms,and construe “word order changing deidiomatization expressions” according to the high conventional combining relationship between the elements of the prototype idiom.The sixth chapter is“pattern and diversification of the deidiomatization expressions”.Pattern is divided into schema pattern and instance pattern,and diversification is divided into schema diversity and instance diversity.Taking the pattern deidiomatization expressions“bieyouyifanfengwei(??????)”as the representative,this paper analyzes the non-self sufficient,semantic expression of“bieyouyifanfengwei”sentence and the subjectivity of“bieyouyifanfengwei”.Taking the diverse deidiomatization expressions“biyichengbailunyingxiong(???????)”as the representative,this paper analyzes its deidiomatization means and schema of deidiomatization expressions,the different semantic and pragmatic emphases,pragmatic context and functions,and the linguistic and cultural psychology of deidiomatization expressions.The seventh chapter is “the condition,motivation and mechanism of deidiomatization”.The preconditions of deidiomatization are the dynamic of language development and the pragmatic psychology of the group.The motivations of deidiomatization are the least effort of “maximum utilization”,the explicity of communication,the subjectivity of expression,and the induction of the high frequency use.The mechanisms of deidiomatization are meme mechanism,metonymy mechanism,and analogy-association mechanism.The eighth chapter is “the summary and remaining part”,which summarizes the main points,innovations and inadequacies of this paper,and in the remaining part,it is pointed out that deidiomatization can also be studied from the aspects of exploring the dynamic evolution process of “idiomatization-deidiomatization-reidiomatization”,judging the degree of deidiomatization,and the expression effect of deidiomatization.
Keywords/Search Tags:deidiomatization, syntactic upgrading, semantic multiplication, pattern, multifunctional motivation
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