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The Study Of The Behavior Anomie Of Movie Stars And Its Governance

Posted on:2021-03-12Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:L ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:1485306311474904Subject:Theater, film and television
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President Xi Jinping put forward a clear demand for literary and art workers at the Symposium on literary and art work in 2014.They should have good professional accomplishment,noble personality and try to be a model for the public.But in the current film and television industry,movie stars show contradictory two-sided problems.On the one hand,stars constantly create artistic images on the screen,and transmit positive energy signals to the public to expand their social popularity.On the other hand,movie stars have negative behaviors frequently,which are reflected in social media,showing the current situation of negative public opinion about movie stars.Including the information related to private life in violation of family virtues,even illegal behaviors such as drug-related,gambling,tax evasion and tax evasion.It also includes the use of matting and other technical means to replace the real performance,and other violation of social and public morality.This negative information is in serious contradiction with the requirements of professional ethics of” excellence in both performing skills and moral integrity”.With the emergence of new media,the phenomenon of "post truth" of network public opinion in the film and television industry has become increasingly fierce.Anomie refers to the lack,deviation or violation of norms in the society.The formation of behavior anomie is mainly due to the deviation,violation of norms and even transgression of laws made by "economic man”,in order to pursue their own interests in the absence of supervision or institutional constraints.The report of the 19 th National Congress of the Communist Party of China pointed out that: socialism with Chinese characteristics has entered a new era,and the main social contradictions in China have been transformed into the contradiction between the people's growing needs for a better life and the unbalanced and inadequate development.Under the background of new media,the "chaos" and "grotesque" in the film and television industry are contrary to people's growing demand for a better life,which is a concrete manifestation of the unbalanced development of the film and television industry.Therefore,we should pay more attention to the negative impact of the anomie behavior on social development.Thus,it is of great theoretical value and practical significance to study the formation mechanism and governance of the anomie behavior of movie stars.This paper reviews the changes of the management mode of Chinese movie stars from 1949 to2019,and the results show that in the new era,the whole film and television industry and even the cultural industry,after experiencing the prosperity and industry crisis,need to be restructured into a standardized development.Then summarizes and analyzes the performance type,performance characteristics and presentation mode of the behavior anomie of movie stars,and analyzes its social impact from different levels.Based on stakeholder theory and information ecology theory,this paper analyzes the formation mechanism of movie stars' behavior anomie.Based on the analysis conclusion,this paper puts forward governance ideas from three aspects of industry reputation,individual reputation and public opinion control,and puts forward policy suggestions from the government level,industry level and individual level.This paper is divided into eight chapters:The first chapter is the introduction.Firstly,it combs the research background and significance of this paper,divides into four stages(1949-2019),and analyzes the changes of Chinese movie stars management mode in each period.And takes this as the research background to carry out the follow-up research work.Secondly,it expounds the research content,ideas,methods,and demonstrates the academic value and practical significance of this paper.The last part of the first chapter is literature review,combing the related research of movie stars,film and television industry management under the new media vision and stars management.Specifically,it includes: the generation and production,operation and management of movie stars and the related research of anomie behavior of stars;the related research of cultural industry management and film and television industry management;the related research of the explorable path of star governance.In order to find the academic value of this paper from the perspective of literature review.The second chapter mainly analyzes the performance type,characteristics and presentation mode of the behavior anomie of movie stars.This paper divides the performance types from three aspects: content type,anomie motivation and negative influence degree.At the same time,the paper summarizes the influence of the anomie of movie stars on the whole new media environment,whole industry,the public,and movie stars group respectively.This paper holds that all kinds of public opinions have their own rules to follow.The relevant regulatory departments,industry associations,movie stars and their brokerage companies can take timely measures to reduce the negative impact on the film and television industry and the network ecological environment.The third chapter is the analysis of the formation mechanism of the anomie behavior of movie stars.First of all,based on the theory of "economic man",the paper empirically test the factors that are significantly related to the income of movie stars,so as to reverse the behavioral motivation of movie stars.Based on the theory of information ecology,combined with the reality,this paper analyzes the elements of the stars' negative information ecological chain one by one,and analyzes the formation mechanism of the negative information ecological chain.Combining the behavior motivation of movie stars with the formation of network negative information chain,this paper explores the causes of the behavior anomie of movie stars.According to the problems found in the above analysis,the fourth,fifth and sixth chapters of this paper will respectively explore the governance countermeasures from the perspectives of industry reputation,individual reputation and public opinion control.The fourth chapter is the governance of movie stars' behavior anomie from the perspective of industry reputation.In the film and television industry,whether stars can take the initiative to correct their anomie behavior is closely related to the management mechanism of the industry.It is an ideal result of crisis evolution that movie stars take the initiative to correct mistakes,relevant departments actively and effectively supervise,and then the public is satisfied.In order to reach the ideal state,it needs to go through repeated games among three groups.The strategy choice of each subject in each stage will directly affect the evolution of the industry crisis.This paper uses the concept of reputation community for reference,introduces the evolutionary game method,and explores the evolutionary law after their "mistakes".At the same time,the paper find out the key factors that can promote movie stars to take the initiative to correct errors,the public satisfaction and the effective supervision of the government.Finally,this chapter puts forward suggestions to build the reputation mechanism of the film and television industry,in order to reverse the governance measures of the anomie behavior of movie stars.The fifth chapter is the governance of movie stars' behavior anomie from the perspective of individual reputation.Reputation,as a signal,reflecting the quality of subject information,and spreads among the public with the improvement of reputation mechanism.In order to maintain individual reputation,movie stars will have the internal driving force to restrain their own anomie behavior,which will play a positive role in the governance of the anomie behavior.Based on Bourdieu's field theory,this chapter constructs the evaluation index system of movie stars,selects the catastrophe progression method to synthesize the index,and makes an empirical analysis.According to the results of the evaluation,this paper reviews the behavior anomie of movie stars and puts forward countermeasures.The sixth chapter is the governance of movie stars' behavior anomie from the perspective of public opinion control.Different from other types of public opinion communication,this paper extends the two-dimensional subjects with network marketers to three dimensions,and considers another important subject-movie star fan.Then,the influencing factors are brought into the driving index for modeling and simulation research.According to the results of the analysis,this chapter puts forward the governance measures of movie stars' behavior anomie from the perspective of public opinion control.The seventh chapter puts forward some suggestions on how to deal with the anomie behavior of movie stars from the perspective of government level,industry level and individual level.The conclusion is that the government needs to gradually improve the policies,laws and regulations.In order to form a good situation of government supervision,policy guidance,market regulation,media supervision and industry self-discipline.At the same time,it needs the active cooperation of movie stars,the public and other individuals.Through the promotion of individual quality,the public can jointly maintain a good network ecological environment and a positive industry development environment.The last chapter is the conclusion of the whole paper and the research prospect.This chapter summarizes the research ideas,methods and conclusions,and analyzes the shortcomings of this paper.This chapter puts forward the future research prospects from the perspective of economics,film and television science,sociology and management.Due to the limitation of author's ability and time,there are still some limitations in data collection and research methods in this paper.In this paper,there are still many problems worthy of further in-depth study,which will also be the author's future research direction.
Keywords/Search Tags:Movie stars, Behavior anomie, Reputation mechanism, New media, Cultural governance, Evaluation system
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