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Research On Government Fiscal Responsibility Of Highway Maintenance

Posted on:2015-03-27Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y DengFull Text:PDF
GTID:1482304316458974Subject:Public Finance
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
At present, our country is at a critical period of economic and social development as well as the crucial stage of reform and opening up and is faced with a rare historical opportunity and challenges. Having been influenced by the European debt crisis since2012, China's economic growth witnessed a decline. Owing to the increase of local government debt balance year by year, unfavorable cash-strapped signs are seen frequently, which led directly to the governments at all levels slowing down their investment in road maintenance. By the end of2012, Chinese road total has reached4.2375million kilometers, in which the96200kilometers highway, accounted for2.27%and3.6096million kilometers level road, accounted for85.2%. The road maintenance investment was about200billion yuan. Since2009, the central government has invested4trillion yuan to expand domestic demand for the economic development. As the investment projects completed, it is expected that China will have2-30000-km expressway put into operation in succession during the "twelfth five-year" period, and the construction of the rural and national road network will be greatly improved.Accompanied by a large number of highway construction, the focus of the highway construction in our country have been the shifted to highway maintenance. Highway maintenance needs long-term, sustaining, and abundant support. However, the highway maintenance funds gap increased year by year for a number of factors. In addition, according to the time analysis of the highway construction maintenance in China, in the "twelfth five-year" period, China would usher in a new stage of the highway maintenance peaks. Highway maintenance will be under great pressure, and the maintenance task is extremely difficult. But because some local governments pay more attention to construction rather than maintenance, which leads to a conflict between inadequate highway maintenance investment and the heavy task of maintenance, the current study of the highway maintenance mode in China is particularly necessary and important. The main thing at present is to find out how to strengthen the management of maintenance funds, broaden the financing channels, to alleviate the negative effects brought up by insufficient funds, and ensure the smooth implementation of highway maintenance workBy referring to the previous research on highway maintenance financing system reform, the thesis tries to study the highway maintenance mode in China. This thesis will include the following several parts:1. The background of the selected topic as well as the significance of the research. The thesis reviews the research progress at home and abroad, and clears the research emphasis. This research also points out the corresponding research methods and innovation deficiency.2. The highway maintenance financing mode in China.The thesis first analyzes the public goods theory and the theory of fiscal expenditure, then define the highway maintenance and financing channels.3. The contribution made to the highway maintenance system in China.The thesis analyzes each stage of highway construction and maintenance, the problem of highway maintenance mode in our country, and study the root cause and effect.4. The study of foreign highway maintenance mode.The thesis mainly analyzes the highway maintenance mode in the United States, Japan and the European Union, figures out the pros and cons of various models, and then suggests enlightenment to Chinese highway maintenance funds financing pattern adjustment.5. The overall condition of Chinese highway maintenance pattern adjustment design, including the principle of adjustment, the thinking of policy adjustment, and the adjustment of the highway maintenance mechanism in China and the analysis of responsibility.6. The concrete measures of reform regarding highway maintenance.
Keywords/Search Tags:Fiscal Responsibility, Highway Maintenance, Maintenance Model, fiscal Mechanism Design
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