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Evaluating the effect of bit rate on ultrasound video quality

Posted on:2015-06-06Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Stevens Institute of TechnologyCandidate:Gray, MarissaFull Text:PDF
Due to the advancement of telemedicine applications, there is a pressing need to ensure that real time wirelessly transmitted medical information is secure and of high quality. For diagnostic information such as ultrasound (US) video, information is lost when data is sent through a wireless network. This loss of information decreases the video's quality; an aspect particularly important with US. However, the relationship between information loss and its impact on real time US video quality is not fully understood. This study analyzes the influence of bit rate on quality of wirelessly transmitted US video. In order to achieve a thorough quality analysis, varied bit rate US video from 8 trauma patients was analyzed through objective and subjective assessments. Objectively, calculations of peak signal to noise ratio (PSNR) and structural similarity index (SSIM) were computed for each 540 frame video. ANOVA results indicate that as video bit rate decreases, PSNR and SSIM values also decrease (p-values <0.001). Subjectively, US trained experts evaluated the video through a validated survey. Data from both subjective and objective assessments was used to find a minimum bit rate threshold of 1Mbps. By abiding by this threshold, physicians would receive accurate US so they may confidently treat their patient.
Keywords/Search Tags:Bit rate, Video, Quality
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