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A survey of community college library/learning centers regarding public access to microcomputers and microcomputer software

Posted on:1995-04-22Degree:Ed.DType:Dissertation
University:Northern Illinois UniversityCandidate:Rogers, Elizabeth HFull Text:PDF
In today's information based society, microcomputer hardware and software facilitates or inhibits access to information. The members of the public that have access to technology, and hence to information, are the haves; those without, the have nots of the information age. Because public libraries are closing at the rate of one a week, and, when providing computer based access, often charge, alternative sources must be found that provide the general public with technology based access.; This baseline survey of general public access examines another potential provider of microcomputer hardware and software access, the public, two-year community college library/learning center (LRC), and answers three questions: first, to what extent are two-year, community college library/learning centers providing general public access to microcomputer hardware and software; second, what are the factors that could be limiting such access; and third, what relationships exist between demographic variables (region, size of student enrollment, size of taxing district population, and library/learning center budget) and the provision of general public access to microcomputer software and hardware?; The findings show a large percentage (72%) of LRC administrators agreed or strongly agreed that LRCs should be providing general public access to microcomputer software and hardware. A larger number (92%) strongly agreed or agreed that providing general public access to information via microcomputer hardware and software is an important role. Most LRCs have microcomputer hardware (89%) and provide on-site, general public access to it (57%). Few loan microcomputer hardware to the public (2%).; Some LRCs also own software as part of the collection (68%) and provide on-site, room use access to the general public (47%), students (62%), general faculty (59%) and library staff (68%). Only eight percent (8%) loan/circulate software to the general public. Forty-six percent (46%) provide access to data bases, such as ERIC. Few LRCs charge microcomputer related fees. Factors potentially limiting access include: policies and practices; licensing, copyright and legal restrictions; attitudes; technological inhibitors; and fees.; Since the community college historically provides academic support to the community, this institution is a logical choice when choosing providers of general public access to microcomputer based information accessed via the "Information Superhighway."...
Keywords/Search Tags:Access, Public, Microcomputer, Software, Community college library/learning, Information, Provide
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