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A critical analysis of the relationship between race, ethnic origin, and promotion of U.S. Army officers to the rank of Major

Posted on:1992-03-24Degree:Ed.DType:Dissertation
University:University of San FranciscoCandidate:Gonzalez, AristidesFull Text:PDF
The United States Army is currently faced with a sizable shortage and underrepresentation of ethnic minority officers above the rank of Captain relative to their representation in the general U.S. population, as well as in the Officer Corps in general. Concerns have been voiced by the highest level managers in the Department of the Army over the lack of ethnic representation at the higher ranks in the Army but little research has been done to determine what the problem was or what should be done to correct the situation.; The general purpose of the study was to determine the critical perceptions of a selected group of ethnic minority Captains concerning their experiences with regard to mentoring, assignments, evaluations, schooling and promotion policies and to analyze the most current promotion board to Major to ascertain the level of attainment of ethnic minority Captains to that grade as compared to their nonminority counterparts.; The researcher used a survey instrument and an interactive critical reflections participatory segment with twelve ethnic minority subjects (three women and nine men) to elicit responses to equal treatment climate issues regarding Army policies on mentoring, assignments, evaluations, schooling and perceived promotional opportunities. Additionally, a promotion board was analyzed to ascertain if the Army was following its own Equal Opportunity policy.; The overall results of the study revealed negative perceptions on the part of the officers contacted relative to their personal treatment and perceived impact of evaluation, mentoring and promotion policies on their upward mobility. Analysis of the promotion board confirmed a negative relationship between race and ethnic origin and promotions to the rank of Major for the board analyzed.; The study confirmed that statistically, according to the Army's own definition of institutional discrimination, the Army was not in compliance. The surveyed officers perceived and experienced a lack of equity and critically reflected on many reasons why they believed they were not being treated a la par with their nonminority counterparts in the Army. The promotion board process analysis reinforced the lack of equitable promotions for ethnic minority officers.; Greater scrutiny of the entire officer development process is needed to insure equity from accessions to schooling, evaluations and promotions to preclude ongoing institutional racism. An overwatch agency should be established, which does not respond to the normal chain of command, to monitor and ensure equitable treatment for ethnic minority officers, especially at this time when the Army is shrinking drastically.
Keywords/Search Tags:Army, Ethnic, Officers, Promotion, Rank, Critical
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