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Integrative group psychotherapy: Damgaard model. (Volumes I and II)

Posted on:1994-07-23Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:The Union InstituteCandidate:Vaughan, Sandra LouFull Text:PDF
GTID:1474390014494988Subject:Clinical Psychology
This Project Demonstrating Excellence is a training manual for the instruction of Integrative Group Psychotherapy (I.G.P.:DM), Practitioner Level I. Integrative refers to an integration of experiential/expressive, group process, and other models of psychotherapy. This manual, is therefore, a curriculum for the training of beginning group psychotherapists with specific orientation to Damgaard's Integrative model. Although the manual provides comprehensive instruction in each of the context areas, it is best used as a companion to a supervised training experience. The manual has been written for use by para-professionals and allied health workers, as well as, psychologists and other mental health professionals. Except where indicated the content of the manual is derived from the IGP:DM curriculum or the author's own work.;The prologue discusses group psychotherapy as a psychotherapeutic discipline, including the history and the state of the art of training. Experiential group psychotherapy is defined with a discussion of the benefits of the experiential model. Also presented is the rationale for the inclusion of the specific interdisciplinary models chosen. Concepts introduced in the prologue are defined and elaborated upon in the body of the manual.;The manual is divided into seven chapters, each chapter represents areas of competency required for successful completion of the first year IGP curriculum. The manual begins with a Group Dynamics chapter, followed by chapters on Communication, Pesso System Psychomotor, Child Development, Transactional Analysis, Ethics, and Exercises. The manual's content includes applied and theoretical information, and represents various models of psychotherapy.;The epilogue explores limitations and future directions. Specifically, the manual needs to be expanded to include other models of group psychotherapy, and address the needs of special populations. An additional future direction is the development of a second and third year curriculum, and the development of curriculum for persons seeking academic credentialing.
Keywords/Search Tags:Psychotherapy, Integrative, Manual, Curriculum, Model, Training
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