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Architectural features of contemporary academic libraries: Four case studies

Posted on:1990-02-05Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:The Florida State UniversityCandidate:Bunn, Dumont CFull Text:PDF
GTID:1472390017454024Subject:Library science
This multiple-case study examined four academic library buildings of 120,000 to 152,000 square feet in size which were constructed in the southeastern United States from 1980 through 1987. The purpose of the investigation was to determine the extent to which selected architectural features identified as desirable for a functional library had been incorporated into building design and construction and to examine the factors which influenced inclusion or exclusion of these features.; Three techniques were employed to collect the requisite data: Semi-structured, recorded interviews with the library directors, selected professional library staff persons, and appropriate university administrators, examination of planning documents in the libraries' files, and direct observation and examination of the library buildings.; The fourteen research questions which guided the collection and analysis of data covered four areas: (1) Planning for the library buildings, (2) constraints affecting building planning, design, and construction, (3) observation and identification of selected architectural features, and (4) interviewee satisfaction with the completed structures, especially in regard to functional effectiveness.; The study found that, in most instances, the library directors had been active participants in planning processes which were basically similar and in which external consultants played an insignificant role. Campus political decisions, funding, and fire codes were identified as constraints which affected the outcome of the buildings.; Although none of the buildings incorporated all of the selected architectural features, the majority of the features was present in each of the libraries. One library was less flexible than the others and another exhibited monumental architectural features generally considered counter to good library design. All had an atrium or mezzanine. Though citing a few changes which they believed would improve the buildings, all interviewees felt that, overall, their libraries were satisfactory and were functional, efficient, and effective structures.
Keywords/Search Tags:Architectural features, Buildings, Library, Libraries, Four
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