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Numerical simulation of the Arctic Sea ice and ocean circulation

Posted on:1994-07-04Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Holland, David MichaelFull Text:PDF
GTID:1470390014994998Subject:Physical oceanography
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
A numerical model study of the seasonal cycle of sea-ice cover and ocean circulation in the Arctic Ocean is presented. The investigation is carried out in four parts using the coupled sea ice-ocean model of Oberhuber (1993a). The Oberhuber model is the first global ocean general circulation model to use Lagrangian isopycnal coordinates. First, a sensitivity study is given of the sea-ice model, which is both dynamic and thermodynamic. The robustness of the sea-ice component in an uncoupled mode is demonstrated. Secondly, the addition of a snow model to the coupled sea ice-ocean model of Oberhuber (1993a) is described. The inclusion of snow is shown to be important for obtaining a good simulation of ice thickness in both the Arctic and Antarctic. Thirdly, the coupled ice-ocean model is used to investigate the general circulation of the Artic Ocean and its connection with the North Atlantic. The cyclonic motion of the Atlantic layer within the Arctic is correctly simulated. Fourthly, a sensitivity study of the Arctic mixed-layer circulation is presented.
Keywords/Search Tags:Arctic, Circulation, Ocean, Sea, Model
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