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Examining the changing relationship between literacy and technology in an international schoo

Posted on:2017-05-30Degree:Ed.DType:Dissertation
University:University of PennsylvaniaCandidate:Bobo, Stacey DFull Text:PDF
GTID:1469390011485531Subject:Educational technology
This research examined the forces, contexts, and situations that influence how digital literacies are perceived, taken up, or resisted at an International Baccalaureate (IB) school in Nassau, The Bahamas. This study provided an opportunity to carefully examine what teachers experienced within the IB curriculum as they learned and began to work with digital literacies. As there is very little research on technology integration from the perspective of teachers in an international, independent IB school, this study shares the challenges educators encounter in our culturally and linguistically diverse school environment as they prepare our students for living and learning in a globalized, digital age. Further, the study explored how a school's vision of technology, organizational structure, and professional development programmes influenced the teaching of digital literacies across the grades. Finally, an analysis of school and classroom practices, including four case studies and an examination of my own work as a school leader, shed light on the changing relationship between literacy and technology in an IB school, as well as on the potential for a school leader to take action to co-create a healthy IB digital ecology to advance teaching and learning.
Keywords/Search Tags:Digital, School, Technology, International
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