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Private and public help: The tripartite model of personality and organizational citizenship behavior

Posted on:2003-10-05Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Michigan State UniversityCandidate:Moon, Henry KimFull Text:PDF
GTID:1469390011485103Subject:Business Administration
Currently, a trait-bandwidth debate is engaged in the personality literature regarding the proper level of measurement for personality variables. The most popular conceptualization of personality argues that five broad traits best defines an individual's personality. Others argue that facets embedded within the broad traits provide a more conceptually clear link between personality constructs and organizational criterion. However, a theoretically driven link between the broad traits and the narrow traits does not exist. I present a tripartite theory whereby within each broad trait, facets differ along the dimension of self- versus other-centeredness.; One context in which the tripartite facets might manifest themselves is offered to be in both the level and type of OCB individuals engage in. 160 participants in a team-based computer simulation provided 320 observations in a within and between subject design. It was hypothesized that, in general, other-centered facets would be positively related to OCBs while self-centered facets would be negatively related to OCBs. A laboratory study was conducted wherein support was not found relating facets of personality to organizational citizenship behaviors.
Keywords/Search Tags:Personality, Organizational, Facets, Tripartite
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