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X-framework: Space system failure analysis framework

Posted on:2003-06-15Degree:D.ScType:Dissertation
University:The George Washington UniversityCandidate:Newman, John StevenFull Text:PDF
Space program and space systems failures result in financial losses in the multi-hundred million dollar range every year. In addition to financial loss, space system failures may also represent the loss of opportunity, loss of critical scientific, commercial and/or national defense capabilities, as well as loss of public confidence.; The need exists to improve learning and expand the scope of lessons documented and offered to the space industry project team. One of the barriers to incorporating lessons learned include the way in which space system failures are documented. Multiple classes of space system failure information are identified, ranging from “sound bite” summaries in space insurance compendia, to articles in journals, lengthy data-oriented (what happened) reports, and in some rare cases, reports that treat not only the what, but also the why. In addition there are periodically published “corporate crisis” reports, typically issued after multiple or highly visible failures that explore management roles in the failure, often within a politically oriented context. Given the general lack of consistency, it is clear that a good multi-level space system/program failure framework with analytical and predictive capability is needed. This research effort set out to develop such a model.; The X-Framework (x-fw) is proposed as an innovative forensic failure analysis approach, providing a multi-level understanding of the space system failure event beginning with the proximate cause, extending to the directly related work or operational processes and upward through successive management layers.; The x-fw focus is on capability and control at the process level and examines: (1) management accountability and control, (2) resource and requirement allocation, and (3) planning, analysis, and risk management at each level of management.; The x-fw model provides an innovative failure analysis approach for acquiring a multi-level perspective, direct and indirect causation of failures, and generating better and more consistent reports. Through this approach failures can be more fully understood, existing programs can be evaluated and future failures avoided.; The x-fw development involved a review of the historical failure analysis and prevention literature, coupled with examination of numerous failure case studies. Analytical approaches included use of a relational failure “knowledge base” for classification and sorting of x-fw elements and attributes for each case. In addition a novel “management mapping” technique was developed as a means of displaying an integrated snapshot of indirect causes within the management chain.; Further research opportunities will extend the depth of knowledge available for many of the component level cases. In addition, the x-fw has the potential to expand the scope of space sector lessons learned, and contribute to knowledge management and organizational learning.
Keywords/Search Tags:Space, Failure, Management, Addition, Loss
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