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The geometry of points on quantum projectivizations

Posted on:2002-05-31Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:University of WashingtonCandidate:Nyman, AdamFull Text:PDF
The use of geometric invariants has recently played an important role in the solution of classification problems in noncommutative ring theory. We construct geometric invariants of noncommutative projectivizations, a significant class of examples in noncommutative algebraic geometry. More precisely, if S is an affine, noetherian scheme, X is a separated, noetherian S-scheme, E is a coherent OX -bimodule and I⊂TE is a graded ideal then we develop a compatibility theory on adjoint squares in order to construct the functor Γn of flat families of truncated TE/I -point modules of length n + 1. For n ≥ 1 we represent Γn as a closed subscheme of PX2 En . The representing scheme is defined in terms of both In and the bimodule Segre embedding, which we construct. When ProjTE/ I is a quantum ruled surface, we study the point modules over TE/I . More precisely, we use the geometry of the Γn 's to show that the point modules over TE/I are parameterized by the closed points of PX2 E . Furthermore, when X=P1 , we construct, for any TE/I -point module, a graded OX TE/I -bimodule resolution.
Keywords/Search Tags:Geometry
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