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Catholic social teaching and the Third Worl

Posted on:2000-04-28Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:University of Notre DameCandidate:Sniegocki, John HenryFull Text:PDF
This dissertation suggests that a widening rich-poor gap, the persistence of massive hunger in a world of abundance, widespread and severe ecological and social crises, and the loss of cultural diversity provide compelling evidence of the problems of "economic development" as it has been conventionally pursued. It is suggested that the documents of the Catholic Social Teaching tradition provide much insight into the harmful aspects of development and provide constructive guidelines for the creation of alternative approaches. At the same time, various ways are suggested that Catholic Social Teaching could be further enhanced, particularly through dialogue with persons in the field of radical political economy and with grassroots critics of development. These enhancements to Catholic Social Teaching could include deeper structural analysis of capitalism, greater attention to the role of women in development, deeper attention to ecological and cultural issues, and heightened awareness of the importance of grassroots social action in the creation of development alternatives. An alternative policy framework supportive of grassroots alternatives and highly critical of present forms of economic globalization is suggested. The dissertation also offers suggestions for constructive individual and ecclesial action.
Keywords/Search Tags:Catholic social teaching
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