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Xtreme preaching: Catholic social teaching and Generation X

Posted on:2005-04-07Degree:D.MinType:Dissertation
University:Aquinas Institute of TheologyCandidate:Promesso, William JFull Text:PDF
This project begins by taking a broad look at American Catholics born 1960–1980, often called “Generation X” by sociologists. Many religious researchers have undertaken studies of this birth cohort to ascertain their approach to faith and how it differs from the preceding generation of “Baby Boomers” and the succeeding generation of “Millennials.”; Chapter two examines the scope of contemporary Catholic Social Teaching as it began with Pope Leo XIII's encyclical Rerum Novarum in 1891 through the many encyclicals issued by his successors on the anniversary of this groundbreaking document. An overview of Catholic Social Teaching and its seven principles is included.; The third chapter is focused on the first principle of Catholic Social Teaching, The Life and Dignity of the Human Person, and its application to the topics of cloning, war, and abortion as found in papal, conciliar, and episcopal documents.; Having established the identity of Generation X, the formation of Catholic Social Teaching, and the position of the Catholic Church regarding cloning, war, and abortion, chapter four is the compilation of focus group research. Three groups of Generation X Catholics were created to gather and discuss the opinions held, receive input from Catholic Social Teaching, and ascertain any changes or potential for change in their conscience formation process.; Chapter five considers the preaching implications of the focus group research. It takes into account the general identity of Generation X, with the specific participation of these GenXers from metropolitan Detroit. Some suggestions for preachers are offered based on the research, on church documents already received, and from the experience of preaching to a GenX assembly.; The appendices include all of the preparatory materials for the focus group sessions, the criteria for a participant's inclusion, the materials used by the moderator, and a sample homily.
Keywords/Search Tags:Catholic social teaching, Generation, Preaching
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