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A critical edition of the D redaction of the 'Couronnement de Louis' and the 'Charroi de Nimes' with a translation in modern English

Posted on:1996-02-04Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Rutgers The State University of New Jersey - New BrunswickCandidate:Chevalier, Frances SikolaFull Text:PDF
GTID:1465390014488121Subject:Medieval literature
The edition presents the Couronnement de Louis and the Charroi de Ni mes of MS Paris, B.N. fr. 1448, as a unit and thus respects the architectonics of that manuscript. This version, known as the D redaction, is a thirteenth-century anonymous work which has been the subject of considerable controversy regarding its oral quality, archaic formulation and literary merit. By preserving the integrity of the original text, this presentation will offer a comprehensive and authentic cyclical chanson to those who wish to address the critical issues pertaining to the D Couronnement/Charroi. The editorial approach is a conservative one. The critical apparatus, i.e., rejected readings, bracket codes and copious literary and textual notes, identify the editorial process in establishing the Old French text. The modern English translation that follows the Old French text is fairly literal in order to accommodate reader interpretation. Problematic readings are identified and discussed in the notes. The introduction provides a detailed physical description of MS 1448 (including two illustrations), a rationale for the resolution of all abbreviations, a list of orthographic traits particular to the Eastern dialect, observations on prosody and scribal language, a discussion of the editorial philosophy and the approach used in the translation, and a plot summary of the D Couronnement/Charroi. In addition, the introduction surveys the cyclical context of the D redaction, the critical background of the Couronnement and the Charroi, previous editions, extant MSS of the other redaction families and their filiations. A bibliography of works consulted (182 entries) is also included.
Keywords/Search Tags:Redaction, Critical, Translation
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