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Leveling the playing field: A study of captioned interactive video in a technology-integrated foreign language curriculum

Posted on:1999-03-20Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:State University of New York at AlbanyCandidate:Shea, Peter JamesFull Text:PDF
In this dissertation, I present the argument that foreign-language learning in the U.S. suffers from three general deficiencies. The first of these is lack of learner motivation. A variety of causes are identified which contribute to the general apathy of the American student toward language learning. The second general deficiency is our history of poor and inappropriate teaching methods based on misunderstandings about the nature and function of language. This history is analyzed to reveal its pernicious influences on the current state of foreign language education. The third general deficiency is that American models of instruction do not allow sufficient time to complete the task of language learning.; I argue that technology can offer at least a partial solution to each of these problems. Research on computer-assisted and video-based educational techniques has almost invariably found that these media have positive effects on learner motivation. Another commonly reported benefit of computer-based instruction is efficiency of time use. An important conclusion can be drawn from these results, which has a bearing on the problems of foreign-language education. If a particular medium appears to be motivational, then a domain that historically suffers from low learner motivation will do no harm by adopting this medium. A similar argument can be made for the application of instructional computer use when addressing the problem of insufficient learning time. Finally, I argue that each of the traditional problems of foreign language learning can be addressed by well-designed and integrated computer technology which incorporates pace-controlled syntactic chunking in a captioned video presentation. Results of an original study are presented which support the assertion that such an application can, in fact, address these weaknesses, especially for students most in need of assistance. In addition to increasing both student motivation and learning efficiency over time, the program supplied the least able students with the means to better understand and respond to foreign language discourse.
Keywords/Search Tags:Language, General, Time
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