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Intercultural communication and education in a multicultural world

Posted on:2002-09-27Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:The Pennsylvania State UniversityCandidate:Esber, Betse CFull Text:PDF
GTID:1465390014450452Subject:Speech communication
The increase in the cultural diversity of societies in today's world means an increase in intercultural contact among people in many contexts of their lives. Successful communication across cultural borders requires knowledge and skill in intercultural communication. Intercultural communicative competence is of particular importance to teachers in this nations schools as they face the challenge of educating an increasing culturally and linguistically diverse student population to become effective participants in diverse democratic communities and the global society.; This dissertation argues that the principles and practices of the field of intercultural communication should become part of the educational process as a major component of multicultural education. This study investigates the role of intercultural communication in the educational process, analyzes the present relationship between the fields of intercultural communication and multicultural education, and presents and intercultural communication approach to dealing with cultural diversity for educators.
Keywords/Search Tags:Intercultural, Education
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