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Anger and aggressive driving

Posted on:2004-07-08Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:St. John's University (New York)Candidate:Saperstein, AviFull Text:PDF
The primary focus of this researcher is to examine the relationship between anger characteristics and aggressive driving, as well as situation specific anger-related irrational thoughts and aggressive driving. In doing so, efforts are made to control for possible effects of demographic variables and typical driving environment on aggressive driving behaviors. The present study was conducted over the Internet and had 454 participants. They completed the Anger Disorder Scale, Cognitions Questionnaire, Aggressive Driving Questionnaire, Demographic Questionnaire, and the Typical Driving Environment. Results were that two of the three higher order factors of the Anger Disorder Scale, verbal/expression and vengeance, were significant and independent predictors of aggressive driving. Results also were that a greater frequency of engagement in anger-related irrational beliefs while driving was associated with a greater frequency of engagement in aggressive driving behaviors. Additional significant independent predictors from among the demographic variables and typical driving environment are also discussed.
Keywords/Search Tags:Driving, Independent predictors, Psychology, Anger disorder scale
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