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Mandatory drug and alcohol tests and the attitudes of bus drivers toward safety

Posted on:2000-09-03Degree:Ed.DType:Dissertation
University:University of PittsburghCandidate:Carr, James PatrickFull Text:PDF
Drug and alcohol tests are some mandatory requirements for driving a school bus. Mandatory drug and alcohol tests may have an effect on the attitudes of school bus drivers and the manner in which school bus drivers operate their buses. School bus drivers may view such mandatory tests as good or bad or right or wrong. The mandatory tests in and of themselves may have an attitudinal effect on school bus drivers. What effect then, do drug and alcohol tests have on safety? Do school bus drivers' operate their vehicle more safely because of the consequences of drug and alcohol tests?;The study probed two transportation groups: school bus drivers and public transportation drivers. The main focus of the study was school bus drivers and the secondary focus was public transportation drivers. The side sample of public transportation drivers was done to evoke a comparison between bus drivers that transport school students and bus drivers that do not transport school students.;The study relied on surveys as the main instrument to gather and analyze data. School bus drivers were interviewed regarding their opinions about drug and alcohol tests and the safe operation of a bus. Based on the results of the survey interviews, another survey was devised and then tested with a group of school bus drivers. The final survey was distributed to a target population of every school bus driver in a countywide area. The side sample had, as its target population, the public transportation drivers in the same metropolitan area as the county school districts. The public transportation driver survey was based on the same principles as the school bus driver survey, but was adapted to suit the needs and conditions of the public transportation driver.;The results of the overall study indicate that school bus drivers generally believe drug and alcohol tests ensure the safety of students on school buses. School bus drivers also believe that other factors such as safety programs, personal commitments to the safety of school students, and school bus discipline policies are fundamental criteria for school bus safety.
Keywords/Search Tags:School bus, Drug and alcohol tests, Bus drivers, Safety
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