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Development of an mHealth Application for Obesity Treatment Using Behavioral Interventions

Posted on:2017-03-27Degree:D.N.PType:Dissertation
University:Wilmington University (Delaware)Candidate:Johnson-Mason, TyreaseaFull Text:PDF
Obesity accounts for significant rates of chronic disease in the United States. Currently, many people turn to programs such as Weightwatchers or Jenny Craig to lose weight. These programs are costly and have commitments such as face-to-face meetings or the requirement of purchasing expensive meals and shakes. What if a person had access to a program that helped them monitor their diet and exercise but also assisted with psychological interventions to disordered eating all accessible on their mobile device? The PsychFit program is poised to fill such a need; it will be a mobile health application that not only addresses the need to monitor caloric intake and exercises performed but will teach evidenced based behavioral health interventions to the user.;The goal of this project was to complete the Software Requirements Specification document detailing how the application will work and the steps involved in future development. An asynchronous online focus group was used to obtain relevant user-centered data; participants were adults aged 18 to 59 who identified with wanting to lose weight. Data obtained from the focus group was categorized and coded for specific trends in opinions in features for the inclusion of the application.;Keywords: obesity, mobile health, weight loss.
Keywords/Search Tags:Application, Health
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