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Translating evidence-based guidelines into advanced clinical practice: Developing a best practice model for in-hospital management of COPD exacerbations

Posted on:2017-10-26Degree:D.N.PType:Dissertation
University:Widener UniversityCandidate:Harrell, Nancy LFull Text:PDF
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is the most common chronic lung disease in the world. The gap in evidence implementation has resulted in less than optimal outcomes, as demonstrated by increased rates of disease exacerbation and subsequent increases in morbidity and mortality, and healthcare utilization. Current evidence supports the Chronic Care Model (CCM) of disease management as effective in the management of patients with COPD. A COPD Patient Care Flow Checklist incorporating the key elements of the model have been proposed as a proactive approach to improving care. The Iowa Model of Evidence-Based Practice to Promote Quality Care augmented by The Change Leader's Roadmap, a change process methodology guided program implementation. Primary outcome measures included acute exacerbations and healthcare utilization. Secondary endpoints comprised biophysical and psychometric measures unique to the patient with COPD. A cost-benefit analysis of the programs effect on health related outcomes and reductions in healthcare utilization support sustainability, as do projected implications of practice. The fundamental principles of the CCM accentuate the significance of interdisciplinary team collaboration, care coordination and patient activation.;Keywords: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), Spirometry, Exacerbation, Hospitalization, Readmission, Chronic Care Model, Disease Management.
Keywords/Search Tags:COPD, Model, Disease, Management, Chronic, Care, Practice
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