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The effects of nutrition and lifestyle on the aging process

Posted on:2004-12-11Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Union Institute and UniversityCandidate:Italia, Gary RichardFull Text:PDF
GTID:1464390011459351Subject:Health Sciences
The PDE consisted of two distinct manuscripts. One was a scientific contextual essay called “The Effects of Nutrition and Lifestyle on the Aging Process.” The other part of the PDE was a social action project that paralleled the contextual essay but was written in a simple question and answer format designed to instruct the general population. The PDE examined the theories of aging with emphasis on the free radical theory. Lifestyle habits and their effect on health and aging were examined, with nutritional factors also being identified. The major forms of disease in America were also identified so that an anti-aging plan or strategy could be devised to reduce their presence. If life extension is to occur, disease progression must be slowed and onset must be delayed. To achieve success in anti-aging, a combination approach is necessary. There must be a synergism between nutrition, lifestyle habits, and patterns. The food choices that are made are also of significant importance and must be carefully examined. Psychological aspects are also involved with the aging process and were examined in the PDE. Stress and human emotions, such as anger and depression, can lead to ill health and disease and decrease the odds of survival and healthy aging. Therefore, a complete holistic approach that includes nutrition, lifestyle, stress, and habits is necessary to improve the odds of living a long and healthy life.
Keywords/Search Tags:Lifestyle, Nutrition, Aging, PDE
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