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An examination of the impact of the Americans with Disabilities Act on Monterey-Salinas transit: Implementation of an unfunded public policy (California)

Posted on:2004-04-12Degree:D.P.AType:Dissertation
University:Golden Gate UniversityCandidate:McGee, Mickey PatrickFull Text:PDF
GTID:1462390011962411Subject:Political science
This dissertation examines how Monterey-Salinas Transit (MST), a medium-size public transportation agency, implemented the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), an unfunded mandate. Studies of the implementation of public policy provide insight into the dilemmas faced by executives and agencies managing in a decentralized system of governance. The principle findings show that public policy can be implemented without adequate funding and that a collaborative partnership structure which includes policy end-users, community advocates and an executive agency leads to better understanding of shared problems and solutions. In this case, MST successfully implemented the unfunded ADA mandate by encouraging policy end-users, their advocates and community representatives to identify obstacles then develop transit solutions. Committed government and community partnerships at the local level affect implementation of public policy. Collaborative style and professional expertise help to resolve tension, integrate and implement comprehensive development models, and meet the demands of complex assessment and services. Governments can be more customer-oriented and thus help to restore public trust. This study suggests inclusive and collaborative leadership enhances community involvement, facilitates strategic planning partnerships, accomplishment of organizational missions and goals, achieves regulatory compliance and results in successful implementation of public policy. The general conclusions suggest that: the extent of policy end-user involvement affects the probability for successful implementation of public policy; integrating non-traditional management approaches with decentralized social networks and collaborative community partnerships can lead to successful implementation of public policy; local government agencies can successfully implement public policy by integrating public policy target populations and their advocates into strategic community partnerships. Finally, the results found in this study depart from the dogmatic, authoritarian approach that exists in many traditional organizations, public and private. Consensual management provides shared visions and improved problem-solving abilities among management, stakeholders and policy end-users. Public involvement is a key factor for successful implementation of public policy.
Keywords/Search Tags:Public, Implementation, Transit, Unfunded
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