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A theoretical investigation of optical emission in solar flares

Posted on:1999-07-19Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Michigan State UniversityCandidate:Abbett, William PaulFull Text:PDF
A dynamic theoretical model of a flare loop from its footpoints in the photosphere to its apex in the corona is presented, and the effects of non-thermal heating of the lower atmosphere by accelerated electrons and soft X-ray irradiation from the flare heated transition region and corona are investigated. Important transitions of hydrogen, helium, and singly ionized calcium and magnesium are treated in non-LTE.; Three main conclusions are drawn from the models. First, even the strongest of impulsive events can be described as having two phases: a gentle phase characterized by a state of near equilibrium, and an explosive phase characterized by large material flows, and strong hydrodynamic waves and shocks. During the gentle phase, one or possibly two temperature "plateaus" form in the upper chromosphere. The line emission generated in these regions produces profiles that are generally symmetric and undistorted, in contrast to emission produced during the explosive phase, where large velocity gradients that occur in the upper atmosphere produce line profiles that are highly asymmetric and show large emission peaks and troughs. Second, a significant continuum (or "white light") brightening results from increased hydrogen recombination radiation in the upper chromosphere at the point where the accelerated electrons deposit the bulk of their energy. Third, there exists a measurable time lag between the brightening of the near wings of H{dollar}alpha{dollar} and the brightening of the Paschen continuum. This delay is controlled by the amount of time it takes for electron densities in the upper chromosphere to become high enough, and the densities of hydrogen atoms in high energy bound states to become low enough, to allow the number of recombinations to dominate the number of photoionizations in the region.
Keywords/Search Tags:Emission
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