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Experiences of the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake: A narrative analysis (California)

Posted on:2003-10-22Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Saybrook Graduate School and Research CenterCandidate:Cannon, John ThomasFull Text:PDF
This research addressed the question of how some people who lived through the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake were able to deal with such a potentially traumatic event so that they mobilized and coped, whereas other people were adversely affected and overwhelmed.; Using phenomenological, existential, and humanistic psychology as a framework, the narrative analysis research method was used because of the significance it gives to the meaning human beings bring to, and make out of, their stressful experiences. The data were semi-structured in-depth interviews of 6 elderly people, 7 college students, 4 young adults, and 8 Red Cross volunteers who were affected by the earthquake. The analysis included the author's initial and global impressions, as well as systematic identification of the major themes of the narratives. Findings were discussed in the context of theories and research from a literature review of resilience, survival, adaptation, and post-traumatic stress.; Studies to date related to the mental health of those involved in earthquakes have focused on identifying and treating psychopathology, rather than on identifying the aspects that helped buffer some people to withstand such a crisis. This research reveals that survivors had a commitment to self and others, an internal locus of control, a sense of challenge, and gratitude. In contrast, the victims relied on regressive coping techniques such as angry verbal and physical outbursts toward others/self, neglecting commitments to others, drinking alcohol excessively, using illicit street drugs, overeating, sleeping all day, and over-dependency on others. It is hoped that the survivors' coping mechanisms can be taught as a preventative to help people better withstand stressful natural disasters and also human-made ones.
Keywords/Search Tags:People, Earthquake
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