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An examination of the relationship among perceived infrastructure, perceived business climate, perceived workforce, and business growth in northeastern Pennsylvania

Posted on:2012-09-30Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Marywood UniversityCandidate:Weiland, Scott JFull Text:PDF
GTID:1459390011455681Subject:Business Administration
Introduction: The purpose of this secondary analysis was to examine the relationship among perceived infrastructure, perceived business climate, perceived workforce, and business growth. The research question was: What is the relationship among perceived infrastructure, perceived business climate, perceived workforce, and business growth? Methods: The study utilized a quantitative approach for a secondary analysis of the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED) Business Retention and Expansion Program (BREP). Four variables were included: perceived infrastructure, perceived business climate, perceived workforce, and business growth. The sample consisted of 1,802 companies from northeastern Pennsylvania. Data from July 1, 2004 to February 28, 2007 was selected. Spearman's rho was used to test the hypotheses, and logistic regression analysis was also used to determine if perceived infrastructure, perceived business climate, or perceived workforce predict business growth. Results: For the relationship between perceived infrastructure and business growth, an extremely weak correlation that was not significant was found (r (1289) = .045, p > .05); for the relationship between perceived business climate and business growth, a weak positive correlation was found (r (1289) = .115, p < .001), indicating a significant relationship between the two variables; for the relationship between perceived workforce and business growth, an extremely weak correlation that was not significant was found (r (1289) = -.010, p > .05). Conclusion: To gain a competitive advantage in the global economic development competition, a reframed quantitative analysis of the northeastern Pennsylvania's assets, especially its workforce, infrastructure, and business climate must be conducted to gain a better understanding of the community's assets and growth potential.
Keywords/Search Tags:Business, Workforce, Growth, Northeastern
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