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Supply chain management: Impact of customer relationship marketing on performance under cooperation and competition strategies

Posted on:2014-10-11Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:The University of Texas at El PasoCandidate:Barua Olivo, Maria EugeniaFull Text:PDF
GTID:1459390005483482Subject:Business Administration
The dissertation investigation proposes a modified supply chain management model that is grounded on marketing theory and the concept of production sharing. Specifically, the model challenges the traditional cooperation-conflict continuum of strategic marketing management with a new managerial approach based on a cooperation-competition continuum. I investigate the significance of the new model in explaining behaviors in the supply chain management and its performance. In addition, I investigate whether the proposed managerial continuum (cooperation-competition) is consistent with other behaviors including power, conflict, trust, and customer relationship marketing such that coordination and supply chain performance is enhanced.;The data collection from manufacturers, tier 1 and tier 2 suppliers was completed in the Mexican auto industry. Eight of the top auto manufacturers and multiple suppliers in Mexico, U.S., Europe and Asia participated in the study. Results from the investigation show support for competition as a relational managerial strategy as an alternative to cooperation. There is also support for the relationship between the continuum and value added return. A Partial Least Squares analysis of the data shows support for the relationships between the continuum and opportunism, trust, and conflict. Managerial and research implications from the study are highlighted as well as the future research opportunities.
Keywords/Search Tags:Supply chain management, Marketing, Relationship, Performance, Managerial
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