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Program evaluation and network analysis: An examination of evaluator knowledge and use

Posted on:2006-09-30Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:State University of New York at AlbanyCandidate:Fredericks, Kimberly AFull Text:PDF
GTID:1458390008972233Subject:Political science
Network analysis is a social science methodology whose application has grown over the last ten years. Social network analysis has had applications in such fields as sociology, management, psychology, and criminology. This methodology has slowly started to make its way into program evaluation, but the knowledge, use, and usability of such a method by evaluators has yet to be assessed. This research measures and analyzes the knowledge and use among evaluators of network analysis and its implications as a tool for program evaluation.; This study utilized a multi-method research design of interviews, focus group, and case study analysis. Data from interviews and focus group participants were collected from two independent samples of evaluators. However, both samples were composed of evaluators who work in a variety of settings and evaluative areas. The case study was a network analysis of a social service demonstration program whose results were compared with the data from the demonstration program's evaluation to study the similarities and differences between the findings. Site directors from implementing agencies were interviewed for data on the network of this program. These methods provided empirical information regarding the knowledge, use, and usability of network analysis within program evaluation.; Results suggest that this methodology is widely known, but has limited usage among evaluators. Two of the interviewed evaluators did describe conducting an informal network analysis within their evaluative work, but did not recognize this as such. The focus group participants felt that the process of this methodology would be useful within their work as it enables a map of the program to be constructed for a common understanding of program structures and processes, and encourages identification and participation from key stakeholders within the program to come to a shared understanding. The case study analysis provided, for some, explanation of the findings indicated in the programs' comprehensive evaluation.; This research demonstrates that social network analysis can provide insights into program function and can be a useful tool within program evaluation.
Keywords/Search Tags:Network analysis, Program, Social, Methodology
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